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October 15, 2024
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Who Likes Speed Bumps?

Leave it to the city of Bergenfield to install “speed bumps,” or speed humps, as some call them, on a one-block stretch of Sussex Road. I doubt there is one person who hasn’t almost lost control of their car because they didn’t see the bump/hump and drove over it as their car almost took off into the air. I hope it was due to the insistence of the residents on that limited stretch of Sussex that the annoying things were installed. Yet I sort of doubt it as I and many of us know that the city of Bergenfield certainly does not do anything in a hurry, especially when it comes to worries about traffic and the dangerous conditions at street corners.

Yes, I am going back to the “same old.” How many years will it take, or who has to die, before Mayor Arvin Armatorio and administrator Corey Gallo do something about the crosswalk at the corner of Westminster and New Bridge? I know that now they will use the fact that Beth Abraham is doing construction, or they will tell me, as they have in the past, that the reason for the problems totally rest on the shoulders of Congregation Beth Abraham. Mr. Armatorio once asked if I wanted to meet with him and Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger, and I eagerly agreed. That was at least a year and a half ago and nothing ever happened.

On November 7, 2020, both of the above-named gentlemen visited my home in the evening so that they could see exactly what I and others were complaining about. Each exclaimed how dark the street was and assured me that they were going to be talking to PSE&G about putting more lights on the streets. Mr. Gallo couldn’t get over how dark the street was on Westminster Gate between Westminster and Highgate. “Oh yes,” he said. “This will have to be dealt with.” Well, we are still waiting.

Each Shabbat morning there is a crossing guard who no longer stands where the crossing is because he also realizes how ridiculously it is placed.

There is clearly no one in this town to bring this problem to. Unless you have to cross at the corner of Westminster and New Bridge (and there are many who do), blind eyes take over.

I have to say that I am disturbed every time Congregation Beth Abraham has an important function and invites the mayor to attend. Has anyone from the shul administration ever discussed with him the outrageous corner that is in discussion? Is it really “yichus” or pride to be hosting a mayor who has shown no concern whatsoever for a problem that has been brought to his attention so many times?

I am aware that this seems like a rant and I guess that it is. Shavuot is coming. People will be on the streets late at night crossing and walking. They will be in danger.

All that I have ever asked for was a flashing crosswalk sign. I even offered to raise the money personally. “Oh no, “ Mr Gallo said. “People would not want that light shining into their bedroom windows.” Really, that is the priority?

The sidewalks that were promised to be fixed, the improvement of the lights, the inspectors who were being sent to speak with homeowners about the treacherous walking conditions in front of their homes on New Bridge—clearly those promises were all lies.

As you can tell this issue is very important to me. I am jealous of those who live in Teaneck, where these issues seem to be dealt with as they are needed. Someone is going to die crossing that street, it could be an adult or a child, and when it happens one can be sure that it will be blamed on Congregation Beth Abraham.

Nina Glick can be reached at [email protected].

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