February 23, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Worldwide Daf HaYomi B’Halakha Enrollment Explodes

“Eretz Yisrael, America, and Europe are on fire with Daf HaYomi B’Halakha,” were the passionate words of Rabbi Avigdor Berenstein, senior member of Dirshu’s hanhala. “At the recent Dirshu testthe first test on Chelek Vavthere were more than 3,500 new test takers!”

The milestone of Daf HaYomi B’Halakha beginning Mishna Berurah Chelek Vav has made waves in the wider Jewish world. Certainly, the fact that Daf HaYomi B’Halakha has embarked on sessions that will culminate with a historic first siyum on the entire Mishna Berurah has had a significant impact. Many new learners want to get in on the ground floor to bring daily halakha learning into their lives.

Chelek Vav, which is primarily devoted to the halakhos of the Yomim Tovim, is an ideal starting point as many people desire to attain a more meaningful yom tov permeated by halakhic knowledge. In fact, it is said in the name of the Chazon Ish that the best way to truly connect with any aspect of avodas Hashem is through properly and comprehensively learning the specific, relevant particular halakhos. Not only does learning the halakhos of the Yomim Tovim open new vistas in shemiras halakha that one never previously understood, it also opens the wellsprings of the pnimiyus, the inner essence of Yom Tov, enhancing it with a unique taam, a delightful spiritual insight.

In addition to the 3,500 new test takers who are bringing true accountability to their learning, thousands more have joined the daily Daf HaYomi B’Halakha without taking tests. To augment the increase in participants, Rabbi Shlomo Rozenstein, Dirshu’s Director of Public Affairs, has reported a significant number of new shiurim in Daf HaYomi B’Halakha throughout the world. In Eretz Yisrael more than 15 new shiurim  were established in  main Torah centers and some smaller communities.

In Europe, a new shiur has begun at the Bais Medrash Eitz Chaim in Amsterdam, Holland. Eitz Chaim is the home of the Kollel of Amsterdam led by Rav Padwa. The shiur given by Rav Yisrael Sigal has already attracted a devoted following. In Strasbourg, France, too, a new shiur is being delivered by Rav Michael Szmerla at the Adas Israel Congregation every weeknight after Mincha and Maariv. Numerous shiurim have been added to the roster in England and by now virtually every neighborhood in England with an Orthodox Jewish presence boasts a Daf HaYomi B’Halakha shiur.

Perhaps one of the most interesting new shiurim to begin with Chelek Vav is one established by a Brooklyn marketing firm. Every day before the onset of work the employees gather together for a Daf HaYomi B’Halakha shiur. Its members enthusiastically declare how it has immeasurably enriched their day.

In Eretz Yisrael, several yeshivos ketanos have established shiurim and special testing sites have been designated to accommodate those yeshivas whose schedules do not allow their bochurim to take the monthly tests at the regular scheduled sites.

Aside from the live Daf HaYomi B’Halakha shiurim the world over, listeners to the many Daf HaYomi B’Halakha shiurim on Kol Halashon have increased significantly and in the New York Metro Area, a radio segment of Daf HaYomi B’Halakha is broadcast three times each day. Other highly useful tools are the daily newsletter available via e-mail as well as the monthly Daf HaYomi glossy bulletin with all kinds of interesting shailos and insights to enrich one’s learning and knowledge. In this way, Dirshu has empowered Jews, who are interested in learning Daf HaYomi B’Halakha to participate wherever they may be!

Perhaps the words of HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of the Hevron Yeshiva, in a letter issued before the commencement of Chelek Vav encapsulate it best: “Learning halakha, learning Mishna Berurah always needs strengthening. It is an absolute obligation for every Jew and particularly for a ben Torah. It is impossible to even describe the greatness and the zechus inherent when thousands strengthen themselves by learning Mishna Berurah every day and then take tests on what they have learned to ensure that they remember… In this zechus may we soon merit the geulah sheleimah.”

To join Daf HaYomi B’Halakha, please call 1-888-5-Dirshu or e-mail [email protected].

By Chaim Gold

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