(Courtesy of Yeshivat He’Atid) The Yeshivat He’Atid Parent Association (YHPA) is at it again, running a creative and exciting Parent Night event for our He’Atid parents to enjoy! Parents spent Motzei Shabbat learning the craft of mixology as they prepared specialty cocktails alongside friends over Zoom. Mixologist Avi Pusateri, of Jazz Age Cocktails, led the event, providing interesting facts, hacks and cocktail-making tips to parents as they mixed drinks alongside his expert tutorials. The excitement for the mixology event began days in advance as parents received a professionally packed box containing all the necessary ingredients needed to participate in the class. The box included a personalized cocktail shaker, jigger and treats to eat alongside their specialty drinks. These drinks included a unique He’Atid Blueberry Pomegranate Moscow Mule, The Queen Anne Chocolate White Russian and the He’Atid Hurricane Whiskey Sour. The night started with a meaningful d’var Torah from Rav Ronen. Throughout the night, parents were surprised with free raffles, which included prizes and gift certificates from over 20 local vendors! After the crazy year that we have all had, it was such a special evening for our parents to join together with friends, in a relaxed setting, and just have a good time learning a new skill, eating delicious snacks and sipping on homemade cocktails.