March 9, 2025

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Yeshivat Noam to Hold Annual Dinner Celebration

(Courtesy of Yeshivat Noam) Yeshivat Noam warmly invites the community to attend its annual dinner on Tuesday evening, March 21. The event is a celebration of the school’s accomplishments, an opportunity to recognize deserving honorees, and a fundraiser for essential funds. The money raised will be directed to support scholarship students and fund educational excellence.

The theme of the dinner is ומאירים את העולם בתורה ובמעשים טובים, which is said in the “Yehi Ratzon” after lighting Shabbat candles. The focus of the theme is communal prayer that children “light up the world with Torah and good deeds.”

The annual campaign co-chairs are Greg Eliason, Dina Gielchinsky and Dovid Katz. The Dinner co-chairs are Shifra Bendheim, Estee Hirsch, Becky Schmutter and Dina Silverberg.

One of the goals of the evening is to pay tribute to amazing honorees who give of themselves to ensure the future of Yeshivat Noam and the success of each student. Yeshivat Noam is thrilled to recognize Mindy and Dovid Warshawsky as the Guests of Honor, present Dalia and Ed Stelzer with the Community Service Award,- Rabbi Jeremy Hellman with the Faculty Recognition Award, and Enid Anziska with the Bonei Noam Award. Yeshivat Noam is truly honored to highlight the many outstanding contributions of these distinguished honorees.

The Guests of Honor, Mindy and Dovid Warshawsky, known for their warmth and kindness, have been deeply involved in Yeshivat Noam since their daughter Eliana started first grade in 2010. They are consistently positive ambassadors everywhere they go, representing the values of Yeshivat Noam.

Dovid has been a member of the Board of Trustees since 2015 and then served on the executive board since 2017 and as vice president since 2019. As a school leader, he has driven fundraising as a campaign ambassador and led the finance committee. Dovid is known for his attention to detail, strategic thinking and dedication to helping Yeshivat Noam. Under his leadership, Yeshivat Noam has continued to operate a balanced budget, maintain a need-blind admissions policy and support families who require financial assistance.

Mindy’s volunteerism started on the Yeshivat Noam Parent Association as a member of the library cart project. Mindy served as co-chair of the Health Committee of the Parent School Partnership for three years and later served as the co-president of the Parent School Partnership. Mindy has used her background in nutrition as a member and leader of the Health Committee. Two years ago, Mindy returned to education and joined the faculty of Nitzanei Noam. Mindy is an amazing teacher in the 2s class and is known for her love of her students.

Together, Mindy and Dovid share a contagious generosity to, and enthusiasm for, Yeshivat Noam. They exemplify what it means to give back to the community. Mindy and Dovid are the proud parents of Eliana, ’17, Avigail, ’19, and Aleeza, ’23. They live in Teaneck and attend Congregation Rinat Yisrael.

Dalia and Ed Stelzer are recipients of the Community Service Award as a recognition of their dedication and meaningful contributions to Yeshivat Noam’s students, families and the larger Jewish community.

Throughout her many years of involvement with Yeshivat Noam, Dalia has been a tour de force leading and serving on several school committees and task forces. By way of example only, Dalia has served as the parent liaison on the Parent School Partnership, co-chair of the Chesed Committee, co-chair of the YNPA Book Fair, and co-chair of the Bidding for Good Online Auction. Aside from her work as a premier travel agent, Dalia’s passion is helping people. She is able to both identify community needs and take action to fill those gaps. Outside of Yeshivat Noam, she co-founded the annual Bergen County Community Clothing Drive and the Bergen County Kosher Food Pantry, and co-leads the Bergen County Community Toy Drive. At Yeshivat Noam, she has initiated and implemented countless programs to inspire students to make chesed a priority in their lives. Whether a hot cocoa sale for tzedaka, making tzitzit for chayalim, sorting clothing for recipients in need, or promoting toy donations, Dalia has engaged thousands of students over the years in doing chesed at Yeshivat Noam. Dalia is a community activist and role model for the students as well as the parent body.

Ed Stelzer is most notably known as Dalia’s husband. Aside from his amazing children, and once serving hot dogs at a back-to-school event, his most significant claim to fame at Yeshivat Noam is being the most junior member of the triumvirate that produced the 2020 Covid-year eighth grade graduation parade float. Ed is also known for bringing a vibrant burst of energy, fun, and love to school. Beyond Yeshivat Noam, Ed is an officer at Congregation Keter Torah in Teaneck; he has also served for over 10 years as a board member and later as board co-chair of Yeshiva University’s Museum. Currently, Ed is a board member at the OU’s Impact Accelerator, where he helps guide young Jewish non-profit organizations that are looking to scale to the next level. Dalia and Ed live in Teaneck and are the proud parents of Yardena, Kayla (2016), Abie (2020), and Bailey (2023).
Rabbi Jeremy Hellman joined Yeshivat Noam in 2011. Since his start, he has been instrumental in developing curriculum, differentiating instruction, creating programming, and promoting school spirit. Rabbi Hellman excels at a multitude of roles and talents. Rabbi Hellman teaches social studies, math, and mishmar in the middle school, and developed the middle school social studies curriculum. One of Rabbi Hellman’s trademarks is his commitment to interdisciplinary learning. It is important to Rabbi Hellman that general history is taught in a way that combines it with Jewish history so students can understand how they intersect with each other. As the creator of the 8th grade Yom HaShoah Living Museum, he has allowed over 500 different survivors to share their stories. He also coaches the debate team and has led them to win many awards. Rabbi Hellman’s impact is felt way beyond the classroom. He often uses humor to connect with his students and is known for his wit and puns, and pride in Yeshivat Noam.

Together with his wife, Maggie, he hosts students every year for various chagigot and celebrations, and works with students closely on programming and Shabbatonim. Rabbi Hellman also collaborates with fellow teachers as a representative on the TAP, Teacher Advisory Panel, and with parents on the Parent School Partnership. In short, Rabbi Hellman’s reach is outstanding. Rabbi Hellman attends Yeshivat Noam alumni events and makes it a priority to stay connected to the graduates. He loves a good color war competition, grills an awesome burger on the 6th grade hike every year, and fries up delicious falafel on Yom Ha’atzmaut.

The Hellmans are the proud parents of four children – Yehuda, 5th grade, Elisheva, 2nd Grade, Gili in Kindergarten, and Miri. They are proud to be part of the Yeshivat Noam family. They march in the Yom Haatzmaut parade as a family, attend events together, and even named their daughter Elisheva in the middle school’s beit knesset. Rabbi Hellman and his family live in Bergenfield and attend Beis Medresh of Bergenfield (BMOB) where Rabbi Hellman is the gabbai. During the summer, Rabbi Hellman serves as the head of chinuch at Moshava Ba’ir.

Enid Anziska has served as Yeshivat Noam’s executive director since July 2008. Prior to this, Enid was a member of Yeshivat Noam’s Board of Trustees and served on the search committee for a new executive director. During that time, she was the executive director at Maayanot High School in Teaneck. Enid was eventually recognized as the best suited candidate for this role and was recruited to fill the position. Fifteen years later, it’s hard to believe Yeshivat Noam could operate on a daily basis without Enid. She wears many hats and every task is done with a smile every day.

Many families may know her for her tireless work in coordinating transportation through private busing and through the various town districts, Enid’s day-to-day activities consist of much, much more. While they are very often done behind the scenes, their impact is immeasurable. Enid oversees the facility, campus and grounds, maintenance department, security, teacher appreciation, staff events, and much more. Creating and maintaining the physical environment that makes it possible for the outstanding faculty and staff to teach their students is a source of pride for her. Enid also spearheads many events, ensuring that all the equipment, parking, security, food and decor are coordinated. Enid is known for her impeccable taste in helping events stand out the way they do. Her warmth and welcoming attitude have enabled her to build meaningful relationships with Yeshivat Noam’s faculty, administrative team, YNPA, and Board, as well as the parent body. Enid’s pleasant and professional demeanor enables her to work closely with outside vendors,as well as the town’s fire and police departments and the board of education. All of these factors contribute to the daily functioning of Yeshivat Noam, and Enid is the glue keeping everything working smoothly.

Enid and her husband, Don, raised their five children in Teaneck and currently reside in Englewood, where they attend Congregation Kesher Israel.

To make a reservation or donation in support of Jewish education and to provide scholarship funds, please contact Amy Vogel, director of development and communications, at [email protected] or call 201-261-1919 x126. Every dollar makes an impact on the yeshiva’s ability to deliver academic excellence and financial support to those who need assistance.

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