(Courtesy of YU) Yeshiva University is pleased to announce the upcoming YUnite Shabbaton for YU students in the Teaneck and Bergenfield area on the Shabbat of March 24-25, with most parts of the shabbaton also open to the public.
The highly anticipated shabbaton, hosted by YU’s Undergraduate Torah Studies Programs, will feature shiurim and tischim led by many of YU’s roshei yeshiva, rebbeim and faculty members including Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman, president of YU, Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger, Rabbi Menachem Penner, Rabbi Moshe Tzvi Weinberg, Rabbi Dr. Michael Rosensweig, Rabbi Zvi Sobolofsky, Rabbi Mordechai Willig, Rabbi Josh Blass, Rabbi Simcha Willig, Rabbi Baruch Simon and Rabbi Ari Zahtz. All of the shabbaton’s events will take place in the Teaneck/Bergenfield area and will explore a variety of topics of interest to YU students and members of the Jewish community.
The shabbaton will feature a catered luncheon just for students with rebbeim and their families. All other shabbaton events are open to YU alumni, prospective students and the public, and will include, among others, a Friday night tisch with Rabbi Penner and Rabbi Weinberg at Beth Abraham; a shiur by Rabbi Rosensweig at Congregation Rinat Yisrael; a chinuch conversation at 4 p.m. with Rabbi Penner, Rabbi Jonathan Knapp, principal at Yavneh Academy, and Rabbi Yehuda Chanales, director of the Chinuch Incubator at YU and teacher at Maayanot; seudah shlishit; and a melave malka with Rabbi Mordechai Willig and Rabbi Simcha Willig.
The shabbaton promises to be a great opportunity to unite YU’s students, its world-renowned rebbeim and the local community in Torah study. The cost for students to participate in the luncheon is $10. For those hosting other YU students for the shabbaton, there is no charge.
Registration for the YUnite Shabbaton is recommended. For more information, including the schedule of events, and to register, visit www.yu.edu/teaneck
For further questions, please email teaneck@yu.edu