Bruriah Holocaust Museum Exhibit Invites Visitors
Black and white swaths of fabric transform the hallways of Bruriah High School as they become the exhibit space for the annual Holocaust Museum. Humanscale
Black and white swaths of fabric transform the hallways of Bruriah High School as they become the exhibit space for the annual Holocaust Museum. Humanscale
Three female RKYHS students in the STEM program traveled to Boston to participate in the CIJE (Center for Initiatives in Jewish Education) Young Women’s STEM
For the eighth season in a row, Black Box Studios/PAC and the Ma’ayanot Drama Society are collaborating on a spring play that will once again
The Bruriah High School Holocaust Museum exhibit continues to impact visitors and students alike. This week, the mayor of Elizabeth, Chris Bollwage, toured the halls
RKYHS has launched a new kollel program this year in conjunction with the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown. The program brings young men from
RKYHS has launched a new kollel program this year in conjunction with the Rabbinical College of America in Morristown. The program brings young men from
To mark the birthday of Dr. Seuss, and in conjunction with Read Across America, lower school enjoyed reading together with their early childhood younger reading
This week RYNJ MSB hosted the annual Masmidim Auction where students bid on over 50 prizes from their rebbeim, teachers and administrators—using voluntary hours of
For the second year in a row, a team from RKYHS took home first place in the PitchNJ “Shark Tank” competition! The team of Rebecca
This week, the third graders had their State Fair. They researched various aspects of a state including geography and climate. They wrote paragraphs on their
The JKHA Drama Club wowed audiences at their performance of “Madagascar Jr.” Students in lower school and fifth grade have been working for months on
Congratulations to Bruriah’s Torah Bowl team for winning the recent playoff competition. They are now off to championships!