The Obligation of Kedusha
Parshiyot Acharei Mot-Kedoshim The Book of Vayikra revolves around “Mikdash,” i.e., both the eventual Beit Hamikdash and the already completed Mishkan, beginning with the laws
Parshiyot Acharei Mot-Kedoshim The Book of Vayikra revolves around “Mikdash,” i.e., both the eventual Beit Hamikdash and the already completed Mishkan, beginning with the laws
There is a kibbutz just north of the Gaza strip called “Yad Mordechai.” It fought valiantly during the War of Independence, and its tenacious fighting
Two weeks ago, in Parshat Shemini, we learned of the tragedy that occured with Aharon’s two oldest sons, Nadav and Avihu, who without any permission
As we try to resume a semblance of our day-to-day life, we are finding things that were never particularly exciting becoming the main features of
(Courtesy of OneFamily) OneFamily aired a heart-rending program on Monday night to remember loved ones lost to acts of terror. Bereaved family members spoke about
I’m over 70, diabetic, paralyzed from a serious stroke, and the recipient of a donor kidney, under the auspices of Renewal, from a wonderful woman
Nava Forman and Adira Schreiber, 10th graders at Ma’ayanot, came up with a creative and fun way to raise money for the health care workers
Come join the Project S.A.R.A.H. (Stop Abusive Relationships At Home) virtual breakfast. We will be featuring noted cookbook author, Susie Fishbein, who will be cooking
Quarantine. Isolation. Social distancing. Stay at home. This is our new lexicon. We are all at our wit’s end and craving social contact and in-person
Rachel Dube, currently a senior at Rutgers University, is a busy political science major. However, she still makes time for her weekly beauty and fashion
It all started in January when four Yeshiva University honors business students were paired up in the Kukin Entrepreneurial Leadership class and instructed to “make
Many of us find ourselves looking for books for the children to read during this time. The closing of our local libraries has limited us