Anomalous Antonyms
Jewish terminology is chock-full of antonyms. For example, in Hebrew the opposite of Yom (day) is Lilah (night), the opposite of Choshech (dark) is Or
Jewish terminology is chock-full of antonyms. For example, in Hebrew the opposite of Yom (day) is Lilah (night), the opposite of Choshech (dark) is Or
Featuring Nina EizikovitzPhotographed on 12-9-20 at The David Beyda Studio in Teaneck NJ On selling and buying with Nina: Working with a professional can actually
Seth Warshaw has a long commute from etc. steakhouse in Teaneck to the five new restaurants he’s opening in Boca Raton, Florida, but he doesn’t
Sometimes Steve (my hubby) and I get tired of wine. I know that sounds like such a cliché, but it happens. There are times where
In this week’s parsha, Yosef’s brothers are faced with obvious clues that Yosef is Yosef. He knows their birth order, he inquires about their father,
Dear Shayna, I am bored like crazy. There is nothing to do! Even the library is closed. My parents don’t want to take me anywhere
On the first day of Chanukah, Yavneh Academy Middle School students celebrated Chanukah with a special yom iyun. Students participated in four, 10 minute lessons,
In preparation of first grade’s informational writing unit, the students created an informational class book about Chanukah. They learned that writers write about topics that
The Moriah kindergarten children are familiar with the concept of a matrix. They understand that it’s a grid with empty squares inside, which can be
To celebrate Chanukah this week, Heichal HaTorah installed a skating rink in its parking lot. Heichal students enjoyed skating throughout the day.
Ma’ayanot students published the new print edition of the in-house student newspaper, The Source. Under the leadership of Co-Editors in Chief Noa Rubinstein (‘21) and
The sophomore and junior beit midrash classes were privileged to have Dov Zakheim address the students about Sefer Nechemia, which the students are studying and