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September 16, 2024
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August 31, 2023

Apple Desserts for Fall

My favorite fall-winter fruit are apples.I believe the adage that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Although the phrase was from Benjamin Franklin,

The Season for Pomegranates

The pomegranate was one of the seven species of Israel, and because of the idea that each one has 613 seeds, the number of mitzvot

Ki Tavo

Hi! If you thought last week’s ravenclaw cufflinks were for the birds, you were right! They had everything to do with shiluach hakan. Nice going

Tripping Them Up

We all know that it’s wrong to stick out our foot and purposely trip someone as he’s walking, especially if the person can’t see where

It’s About Time: Part 6

It’s about time. We are in the Jewish month of Elul and that means Rosh Hashanah is nearby. (How near?) Near enough that I’m thinking

Winning, But at What Cost?

(Courtesy of Next Level Sports) There are many pros to sport: healthy habits, learning a new skill, teamwork, building confidence and a structured outlet to

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