March 6, 2025

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Answering the Call Together: A Vision for Eden Beit Shemesh

This week, we will read the story of Am Yisrael standing on the banks of the Yam Suf. Their backs are against the wall, with the Egyptian army approaching on one side and the sea on the other. At that moment, Moshe turns to Hashem in tefillah, as Jews always do in moments of crisis. And yet, Hashem responds, “Mah titzak elai? Why are you davening to Me!?” Rather, He tells Moshe, “Daber el Bnei Yisrael V’Yisa’u. Tell Bnei Yisrael to move forward!”

Hashem then commands the malach, the angel, who had been in front of Bnei Yisrael to instead move and stand behind them. And while many commentators describe this malach as, indeed, some type of angel, the Meshech Chochma, Rav Meir Simcha HaKohein of Dvinsk, argues that the malach in this case is none other than Moshe Rabbeinu himself! Hashem is messaging to His people that while until now Moshe has led them, it is now time for them to take initiative themselves. It is time for them to show they are ready to follow Hashem into unchartered territory, displaying faith and confidence in His plan for them. In response to this challenge, the Gemara in Sota 36b teaches that at that moment, Nachshon ben Aminadav plunges into the water with extraordinary faith and courage, and Hashem responds by splitting the sea.

We all have moments in our lives where we can hear Hashem calling out to us to make a fateful decision, to take the plunge, so to speak. Moments where we know the choice we are about to make will have significant ramifications for our personal, professional, religious and family lives. It might be a question of who to marry, whether to accept a job offer, where to send our children to school, or when and how to retire. And it is certainly the case that as a people we have been presented with one such “Nachshon Moment” right now.

The strength and resilience of Am Yisrael in Medinat Yisrael over the past 16 months has awakened in many of us a renewed sense of commitment to our people and to our land. Many of us feel more acutely than ever the sense that the future of the Jewish people is in the land and state of Israel. We feel a visceral desire to be close to our people and our future. We are more ready than ever to take that leap of faith, to answer the call of our own Nachson Moment.

And yet, with all the excitement and challenges associated with aliyah, one of the central concerns so many of us have is that we have had the special zechut to live in the United States as part of incredibly supportive, warm, vibrant communities, centered around our shuls. And historically, that is something that is more challenging to find in Israel.

It is for all these reasons, and more, that Chani and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to lead the new community of Eden Beit Shemesh. Eden is a community for growth-oriented, Religious Zionist families of all ages and stages of life who are excited to build a community in Israel together. There will be a shul at the center of the community, offering a full range of thoughtful and dynamic programming, from uplifting tefillah and engaging shiurim to meaningful youth and social programming. We look forward to sharing close relationships with all our members and to actively fostering that same closeness and camaraderie among the families that will make Eden their home. As the actual date of aliyah approaches, we will go through the process together, step-by-step. And we will support and encourage each other as we acclimate to Israeli society.

Eden is the opportunity for us to answer the call of our current Nachshon Moment … and to do so together.

I invite you to join us at our upcoming parlor meeting in northern New Jersey to learn more about the community and to meet some of the amazing families who have already chosen to make Eden their home.

Rabbi Beni Krohn is rabbi of the Young Israel of Teaneck.

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