Ironman World Championship Nice 2023: Part 44
7:50 a.m. (+ 40 minutes) My sight was at the surface of the water and there was nothing in front of me but the aqua
7:50 a.m. (+ 40 minutes) My sight was at the surface of the water and there was nothing in front of me but the aqua
Sunday, September 10, 7:10 a.m. RACE START! I started the swim 20 seconds behind the guys in my age group. (You’re old. What group was
Sunday, September 10, 7:10 a.m. RACE START! With goggles and swim cap in one hand… (…& hopefully your nutrition in the other hand). I had
Sunday, September 10, 6:40 a.m. (30 minutes to go) I attached the pump to the tire valve & started pumping. My foot was on the
Sunday, September 10, 6:15 a.m. (55 minutes to go) I did what I always do, “Audentes Fortuna Iuvat,” “Fortune favors the bold.” (You took the
Sunday, September 10-5:10 a.m. (2 hours to go) “They knew they were making history, and it was the greatest adventure of their lives.“ That statement
Saturday, September 9- 4 p.m. (15 hours to go) (So, you never did talk about what was bothering you?) I didn’t need to. Just talking
Saturday, September 9: 11 a.m. (20 hours to go) I wanted to sit on the beach before returning to my family for Shabbos lunch. Triathletes
Saturday, September 9: 7 a.m. (24 hours to go) Shabbos is the day of rest, and was also bike check in day at Ironman World
Friday, September 8-5:00 p.m. (33 hours to go) Newton figured out that “acceleration” of an object, AKA the change in speed of the object, could
Friday, September 8-4:00 p.m. (34 hours to go) (Did you feel that you were ready to do this task again?) It didn’t matter anymore what
Friday, September 8-4:00 p.m. (34 hours to go) It was late in the afternoon, but the sun was still shining on the water in Nice.