How to Prepare Physically and Financially for Severe Weather
(StatePoint) Severe weather can have a sizable impact on your home and your savings. Taking steps to prepare can help you maintain peace of mind
(StatePoint) Severe weather can have a sizable impact on your home and your savings. Taking steps to prepare can help you maintain peace of mind
(Courtesy of Seated in Style) Seated in Style has been open for over 10 years, delivering exceptional service nationwide. Rachel has learned from her father
(Courtesy of Tivuch Shelly) If you’re in the market for real estate in Jerusalem, look no further! We are selling apartments in an exciting new
This past Sunday, the Yavneh Parents Association & Auxiliary (YPAA) had a wonderful turn-out to the Back to School Carnival. Children and parents enjoyed the
This past Sunday BPY celebrated back to school at its first Back to School Bash! Everyone cheered as the BMX stuntmen flew in the air,
On Sunday, more than 150 RYNJ families and staff members, new and old, joined together for relay races, face painting, a scavenger hunt, BBQ lunch
Yeshivat Noam middle school commemorated 9/11 with an assembly including student speakers and a personal presentation by Noam parent Jeff Cohen, who was downtown that
The feelings children have as they return to school after the summer can be varied. This week the kindergarteners discussed the different emotions they felt
Shana tova! RPRY students were privileged to hear shofar everyday since the start of school. One of the school’s very own middle school students, Zev
The JEC Lower School commemorated 9/11 with various programs centered on the theme of unity and friendship. The lower elementary students began the program with
To unite the school around common language and goals in middot skills, JKHA early childhood and lower school created a new program #MiddotMatter, dedicated to
Yeshivat Shalshelet opened its doors for its second year, welcoming both new and returning students, faculty and staff. Together, they enjoyed getting to know their