Come Light the Menorah; Come Have Fun in the Kitchen
Who doesn’t love the holiday of Chanukah? It is one that is filled with memories of family, home, smells of latkas frying, kids playing dreidel
Who doesn’t love the holiday of Chanukah? It is one that is filled with memories of family, home, smells of latkas frying, kids playing dreidel
Stuffed cabbage is a classic Ashkenazi Jewish dish, and everybody seems to have their favorite way of making it. Also known as holishkes, stuffed cabbage
Children are always looking for something fun and crafty to do. I know my grandchildren love creating things that they can use. Here are some
With Sukkot around the corner, we tend to forget (or not) about the pesky little bugs that sometimes like to visit our succah: mainly bees
As Rosh Hashana creeps closer and closer, it is time to talk about a dessert that represents this special Yom Tov. Here are two apple
We are living in an age where things cost a lot of money; I am finding over and over that people tend to discard things
There are so many occasions in our lives that we want to bring a little gift to our family and friends. It could be for
As an avid tip collector, I’d like to share some of my favorites. Forget all the messy plastic bags that always regenerate under your sink.
We all love to make salads whether we use them for Friday night dinner, shabbos lunch or seudah shlishit This salad is good for any
It seems that buttons are a major part of our lives. Either they fall off a shirt and we need to sew them on or
Mandelbread or mandlebrot cookies are an Ashkenazi Jewish dessert dating back to the early 19th century. The word mandelbrot means almond (mandel) and bread (brot) in
As Shevuos approaches, we look forward to yet another Yom Tov spent with family and friends. Who doesn’t anticipate the one dessert which is almost synonymous