September 7, 2024
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September 7, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Larry Stiefel

Larry Stiefel is a pediatrician at Tenafly Pediatrics.

Articles by Larry Stiefel

Pinchas: The Yearly Review

Bamidbar: 27:1-11 Devora was called into one of the senior partners’ offices at Watkins, Guthof and Schwartz five or six times a day for some

Korach: One Potato, Two Potato

Bamidbar: 16:30 The synagogue board meeting was scheduled to begin at 8 o’clock. All the chairs were lined up at the majestic oak table in

Shlach: Spies of Teaneck

Bamidbar 13:1-33 And Michael of the tribe of Finkelstein spoke to his wife, Ariella, and he said: “Go send forth friends to reconnoiter the house

Beha’alotcha: Dog Days of Summer

Bamidbar 11: 20 How many hot dogs are too many? After the success of their Chanukah latke-eating contest, Posh Nosh Kosher Delicatessen in Long Branch

Naso: A Hair-Raising Tale

Bamidbar: 6:18 Rabbi Zevulun Haimovitz did not have beautiful hair—not that his hair was particularly important to him. It had been rather curly when he

Behukotai: The Day After

Vayikra: 27: 1-8 It was the morning after the school dinner, and Rabbi Rosencrantz was feeling buoyant. The Nachmanides Yeshiva Annual Dinner was always a

Emor: The Bench

Vayikra: 24: 10-23 When the Nachmanides School moved to its new building in 2005, only a few objects were moved to the new structure from