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September 20, 2024
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Mordechai Schmutter

Mordechai Schmutter is a freelance writer and a humor columnist for Hamodia and other magazines. He has also published seven books and does stand-up comedy. You can contact him at [email protected].

Articles by Mordechai Schmutter

Finding Everything Okay

I have a theory about why brick and mortar stores are going away. It’s the internet. No, I’m just kidding; we all knew that. My

Driving Parents Through a Wall

This week’s topic, which is really not funny, is: TEACHING YOUR CHILD TO DRIVE: A CRASH COURSE I actually started talking about this last week,

No Longer in the Driver’s Seat

Congratulations! Your child has passed his or her driving permit test, despite your tefillos! He has never passed a written test in his life, but

Forty Winks

One of the clearest things I’ve learned as an adult is this: No one cares if you’re tired. Adults’ default setting is “tired.” There are

Giving of the Torah

To me, it’s strange to think that every Sefer Torah you will ever see has at some point been transported to shul via a whole

Inbox Zero

Now that Pesach is over, we can actually start with the spring cleaning, and everyone in your house who previously said, “No, that’s spring cleaning,”

The King’s English

With the British coronation happening this weekend, the question on the lips of most of us is, “What? I thought the coronation happened 8 months

Like Getting a Root Canal

I just want to make one thing clear: I don’t have anything against dentists per se. The only thing I have against dentists is that

There’s Food in the House

The worst part of shopping, I feel, is putting away the groceries. I’m not going to complain about actually buying the groceries. Walking around a

Pesach Gelt

We are living in a golden age of Pesach products — an age where there are products that our grandparents never would have dreamed of.

Ruining the Surprise

When I sort of challenged my wife a couple of years ago to make me a surprise party, it was because I was curious—I’d never