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September 20, 2024
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Mordechai Schmutter

Mordechai Schmutter is a freelance writer and a humor columnist for Hamodia and other magazines. He has also published seven books and does stand-up comedy. You can contact him at [email protected].

Articles by Mordechai Schmutter

Who’s at the Door?

When you were a kid and someone rang the doorbell, it was exciting. Easily the highlight of your day. And it was always someone you

What to Do at a Vort

OK, so you made it to the vort of your friend or your neighbor or your neighbor’s friend, or whatever! In no small part thanks

How to Go to a Vort

So someone you know is making a simcha! Mazel tov! Now what? There are all these articles written on how to make a vort, but

Animal Party

Every year, I write an article about the Ig Nobel Prizes—a real, live ceremony wherein mostly scientists receive awards for studies that sound silly but

Honey Nut Charcuterie

About once a year, I run an article about some of the new foods that are out there, with a primary focus on trends—what’s in

Changing the Clock Change

I enjoy complaining about Daylight-Saving Time as much as the next guy, but this new law that the government is trying to pass is not

Life in a Birdhouse

So we’ve had birds in our house for two weeks now. And we all have holes in our fingers. (NOTE: This article was written shortly

Teenagers at Work

A while back, I wrote an article about having teenagers in your house. (I advised against.) But you can’t help it. They keep getting in.

The Joys of Bird Watching

So we have two parakeets. Mind you, we don’t own the parakeets. We’re hosting them for Yom Tov. We have parakeets the same way we’re

Sukkot Minhagim

From time to time, I run a Yom Tov article that is really not written for you, apparently—it’s just a way of recording my family’s