This Is Not A Purim Shpiel!!!
True. What I read this week is not funny but I wish that it was meant for a Purim chagiga. It’s the old adage of
True. What I read this week is not funny but I wish that it was meant for a Purim chagiga. It’s the old adage of
Other than my feeling that visiting Israel is what we should all be doing whenever we have a chance, I have been very reluctant to
For those who have not seen the news recently, Montreal has received slightly more than 70 centimeters of snow, which in our American minds is
I am not at all feeling guilty to be writing this as throngs of people are watching the Super Bowl. Somehow football never did anything
We all grew up hearing the adage “Silence is golden,” but what exactly was meant by those few words? I always interpreted them to mean
I have thought of writing on this topic for quite a while but was not sure how to get my thoughts across meaningfully. There seem
Yes, I agree it has been pretty uncomfortable, especially when the wind is blowing, yet I still find it quite funny that a snow day
The land of Israel is very important to me. It is not as if I attended Bnei Akiva as a child or made many trips
It begins before babies are even born. Some concerns I consider total nonsense. Will the doctor who I have the most admiration for in the
I know the chag is over by the time that The Link is distributed this week but I have had many nights to sit and
Several days ago I visited the Shuk to the Core event which took place at Yeshivat Frisch thanks to the hard work of Areyvut. Over
Amazingly a dream has come true in Teaneck. The first group of residents has moved into their new home at The Bayit. For those who