Bava Batra 110: Harmonizing Midrashim
Bava Batra 109b-110a presents a midrashic exposition by Rabbi Eleazar (ben Pedat). This third-generation Babylonian Amora was Rav’s student in his youth who moved to
Bava Batra 109b-110a presents a midrashic exposition by Rabbi Eleazar (ben Pedat). This third-generation Babylonian Amora was Rav’s student in his youth who moved to
In Bava Batra 33a, we encounter Rav Idi bar Avin I, a third-generation Babylonian Amora. His origin story is given in Shabbat 23b. “Rav Huna
On Bava Batra 26a, in Pumbedita, Rava bar Rav Chanan had date palms which adjoined Rav Yosef’s vineyard. Birds would roost on the palm trees
Occasionally, I contribute to “Mi Yodea,” otherwise known as judaism.stackexchange.com. This website allows people to ask and answer questions, as well as to vote on
The Gemara on Bava Metzia 80b discusses a later mishna (98b): “A borrower tells the lender שַׁלַּח—‘Send me the cow you promised to lend, with
Reuven’s smartphone was stolen and sold. Then, the police caught the thief. Rav, citing his uncle and teacher, Rabbi Chiyya, says Reuven’s claim is only
A Tosefta (Bava Kamma 94b) discusses a repentant robber or usurer who tries to return the ill-gotten gains. One should not accept it from them,
A Mishna in Kiddushin (25b) mentions mechanisms for acquiring a large animal. Rabbi Meir and Rabbi [Eleazar1] say that is may be acquired via מְסִירָה,
If Reuven digs or opens a deep pit and Shimon’s ox falls to its death, Reuven must make restitution, and the animal’s carcass is “his,”
The Mishna on Kiddushin 74a deals with people prohibited to marry into the Israelite congregation, e.g. a mamzer. The Tanna Kamma says all such prohibited
When Adam was in Gan Eden, Hashem told him not to eat from the etz hadaat, “… for on the day you shall eat from
A somewhat cryptic mishna on Kiddushin 28a seems to discuss chalipin, such as exchanging a donkey for an ox and when each is acquired. The