(Courtesy of Bris Avrohom) As we are doing our utmost to pray for our brothers and sisters in Israel, Bris Avrohom called an evening of prayer within our community. Together, many perakim of Tehillim were recited and many undertook various mitzvot in the merit of our brethren.
One of the things the Torah teaches us is the concept of putting on tefillin daily. Our sages have taught that when we put on tefillin we instill fear in our enemies. Bris Avrohom has sent, to date, 15 pairs of tefillin to the soldiers in the North and the South to be distributed among those who want to undertake this great mitzvah. Many more soldiers are asking and pleading to send them tefillin. Bris Avrohom is eager to fill their requests and send as many as possible as a protection for all.

If you are interested in partnering in this great mitzvah and supplying our soldiers who are risking their lives to protect our brothers and sisters, please call or mail Rabbi Kanelsky at 908-289-0770, 910 Salem Ave, Hillside, NJ 07036.
In our community, Bris Avrohom has taken necessary precautions at this time and increased security at the shul and cheder.
For more information regarding Bris Avrohom activities and events please contact our office at 908-289-0770 or [email protected]