Israeli Entrepreneurial Success Seminar at YU
New York–Yeshiva University’s (www.yu.edu) Sy Syms School of Business announced that it will kick-off its annual “Leading with Meaning” business ethics and entrepreneurial education programming
New York–Yeshiva University’s (www.yu.edu) Sy Syms School of Business announced that it will kick-off its annual “Leading with Meaning” business ethics and entrepreneurial education programming
On Chol ha-Mo’ed Sukkot, Boy Scout Troop 226, chartered to the Jewish Center of Teaneck, went to Harriman State Park for a three-mile hike. They
As Sukkot approaches, we cannot help but remember the times (not often) when we experienced snowflakes dropping into our soup while eating in the Sukkah.
Excuse me while I unabashedly pay tribute to one of my best friends in the world and at the same time and without excuses shill
The world is watching the fluid situation concerning Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s usage of chemical weapons that caused the mass murder of Syrian civilians with
During the Holocaust years, there was only one march in Washington, D. C. , to plead with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to rescue Europe’s Jews.
With Sukkot around the corner, we tend to forget (or not) about the pesky little bugs that sometimes like to visit our succah: mainly bees
The publication of Teaneck resident Rabbi Dr. Aryeh Yehuda (Ronnie) Warburg’s work Rabbinic Authority: The Vision and the Reality” is a major event. The Halachic
Alice Walker, The Cushion in the Road: Mediation and Wanderings as the Whole World Awakens to Being in Harm’s Way (New York: The New Press,
Paramus—Over 1000 people came out last Sunday to Yeshivat Noam’s Paramus campus to show support for the Friendship Circle (FC). FC provides social programming for
Dirshu will hold its Second Annual Shabbos Chizuk l’Lomdei Torah, Shabbos Vayeitzei. On November 8-10. Dirshu participants will be coming from across the United States
Jerusalem—Recently, when Women of the Wall (WoW) heard what Naftali Bennett—Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labor, Minister of Religious Services, Minister of Jerusalem and Diaspora