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September 26, 2024
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The Midbar—a Place of Change

Parshat Bamidbar Sefer Bamidbar, the Book of Numbers, gets its English title from the Greek translation of Chazal’s appellation of the book, Sefer Hapekudim, the

Lessons From the Mountain

Every day, when I step into my shiur room, I pray that I am able to inspire my talmidim to absorb and inculcate the Torah

‘It’s a Wonderful Life’

“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a film embedded in the psyche of every American. It teaches the need to silence outside noise in order to

As One Man With One Heart

The importance of each individual is certainly something we are all aware of. We saw at the outset of last week’s parsha (as well as

Miracles in Front of Our Eyes

As we turn from Windsor onto Churchill on a day when the sun is shining brilliantly we cannot help but notice and remark to each

The Guys That Bind

There comes a time in every sefer’s life when you ask, “Should I bind this?” Except with bentchers. I guess staples hold. For some people,

Letter From Yerushalayim

On this Yom Yerushalayim, I want to express what it means for me to live here in Yerushalayim. I am so grateful, that it behooves

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