Praying for Money
We all know that money can’t buy us love, that more money brings more worries, and that winning the lottery often ruins people’s lives. Yet
We all know that money can’t buy us love, that more money brings more worries, and that winning the lottery often ruins people’s lives. Yet
May these words of Torah serve as a merit le’iluy nishmat Menachem Mendel Ben Harav Yoel David Balk, a”h. This week we learned Sanhedrin
In previous articles we discussed the idea that contradictory phenomenon, including emotions and actions, cannot co-exist. For example, if one’s feelings toward another are primarily
Ashkenazic Jews are shocked to discover that most Sephardic Jews recite Avinu Malkeinu on Shabbat. This should not be shocking to students of the Shulchan
This week marked the 16th anniversary of the horrific attacks of September 11, 2001. A few years ago, on September 11, I was teaching my
Many interesting words come up in the context of the High Holidays. (Many of the paytannim enjoyed using rare words!) I will discuss a few
Rosh Hashanah The two different haftarot that we read on the two separate days of Rosh Hashanah focus upon two different themes of the chag.
One of the most stirring prayers of the Yomim Noraim (High Holidays) is the prayer of Avinu Malkeinu—Our Father, Our King. We recite a prayer
The Talmud in Rosh Hashanah 10B describes a dispute between two Sages about the date of creation. Rabbi Eliezer insists that God created the world
Editor’s note: Nina is responding to her husband’s column, “Coming to Terms With my Dementia,” available here. Upon arriving home from my office at The
My kids have three goldfish, which is way more goldfish than my wife originally wanted. And we don’t keep them in the same bowl. We
After seeing the devastation from Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, many in our kehilla wanted to help the victims in any way they could. Some of