Pro-Israel Americans Need to Stop Cowering and Start Protesting
After months of biased news coverage and open antisemitism, friends of the Jewish state need to take back the streets and tell Biden that he
After months of biased news coverage and open antisemitism, friends of the Jewish state need to take back the streets and tell Biden that he
It’s obvious this “ardent Democrat” never served in the military and never realized that Jew-hatred begins with the Jew-hater, not the Jew. One cousin writes:
Ken Segall, the former creative director for Apple’s advertising agency, is known as the man who came up with the “i” in the iPhone. Segall
As a Modern Orthodox Jew who cares deeply about interacting with the outside world, the Jewish value in studying literature has been at the forefront
Sefer Bereishit provides scant information about Hashem and creation. Instead, the narrative is dominated by reports about the family life of our ancestors, including the
Most educators would agree that despite the fact that children spend more waking hours in school than they do at home, a child’s values are
We are about to celebrate Pesach, the holiday that Chazal define as Zeman Cheiruteinu—the Season of our Freedom. From even a quick perusal of the
Sharansky’s Message In 2016, Natan Sharansky celebrated the 30th anniversary of his release from the Gulag after nine years in prison. At his annual dinner
A widespread custom of firstborns fasting on the 14th of Nisan is not referred to in the mishna or either Talmud. Nor is it mentioned
Some communities and families have an intriguing custom for the Pesach seder leader or all married men to wear a white kittel around the table.
Ma Nishtana hashana hazeh mikol hashanim? I’m certain I’m not the one who coined that sentence. All of us will be asking this at our
(Courtesy of Project SARAH) Pesach is a time of family, togetherness and the celebration of our freedom. We at Project SARAH want to help you