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September 21, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Real Estate

Beware, the Crisis Is Here

Winston Churchill is famously credited with saying, “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” as the world approached the end of WWll while he

The Hottest Trend in Fireplaces

(BPT) In the past few years homes have become vital sanctuaries – places where you and your family want to feel comfortable, cozy and serene.

Locked Out and Locked In

At an Aufruf I recently attended, the following story was told by a close friend of the groom. Four boys were being hosted for Shabbos


Having lived through the crash of 1987, the dotcom bubble of 2000 and recession in 2008, I’ve seen my share of market disruption and how

The Irony of It All

Isn’t it ironic to relay that in the midst of inflation, threats of recession and escalating mortgage rates, my last sale realized three competing aggressive,

Bang for the Buck, Maybe?

How do you get a lower mortgage rate when buying a home? Answers: 1. Wait for the market to change and for rates to move

Israel Real Estate Market

On the subject of the real estate market in Israel, what are the first thoughts that come to mind? Challenging? Daunting? Israelis shouting about how

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