(Courtesy of JLI) Lubavitch on the Palisades and Chabad of West Orange will present Wrestling With Faith, the new six-week course from the Rohr Jewish Learning Institute. Wrestling With Faith will explore questions such as: Why do I need God if I can live perfectly well without Him? Does God really care about the nuances of Jewish practice? Doesn’t the concept of “Jewish chosenness” seem racist? How can we relate to a loving and caring God amid the experience of tragedy and suffering? How do we reconcile compelling evidence for evolution and the age of the universe with a Bible that tells a different story? And: Is it even possible to develop a relationship with a God I cannot perceive with my five senses?
The Chabad of West Orange course will begin on October 22 at 7:30 p.m., and the Lubavitch on the Palisades course will begin on October 23, from 8-9:30 p.m..
The course will be given by Rabbi Mendy Kasowitz at Chabad of West Orange, and by Rabbi Mordechai Shain at Lubavitch on the Palisades in Tenafly. Registration required: www.myjli.com. Fee: $90. Early bird and multiple registration discounts available.
Contact 973-325-6311 or visit www.chabadwestorange.com jli for registration and for other course-related information for Chabad of West Orange. To try out the first class at Lubavitch on the Palisades, please email dubbie@lotpnj.org, and for more information, visit www.chabadlubavitch.org or call 201-871-1152, ext. 512.