Each month, 8th grade RYNJ students come to volunteer in the preschool classrooms of RYNJ. The students of Pre-K2 always enjoy the visits from their “8th Grade Morah,” Anny Safier. Anny is a talented, bright and engaging 8th grader, who is legally blind. Anny brings
Braille books to read to the class each month. The children use their imaginations to visualize the stories, as Braille books have no pictures.
This month, as the children of Pre-K2 prepare for Pesach, Anny brought her Braillewriter to class to create Braille name tags for each child to put on his/her Hagaddah. The children had a chance to work one-on-one with Anny to create their name tags and ask Anny questions about the process. Anny has taught the children so much through her visits.