By Ami Petter-Lipstein

Congregation Ohav Emeth in Highland Park is the proud recipient of a brand new sefer Torah, courtesy of the estate of Sidney Friedman, z”l and in memory of Sidney Friedman and his sons, Dean and Andrew, who predeceased their father.
The new Torah was completed by family and community members on Sunday, June 25, followed by dancing and refreshments. A smaller Torah, it will be lighter and more easily carried by children and the elderly. It will also be used for minyanim in shiva houses.

“Congregation Ohav Emeth is delighted to welcome this new addition to the family of Torahs in our kehilla,” said Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman, rav of the shul. “It will be a lasting tribute to the memory of Sidney Friedman and his sons Dean and Andrew. This Torah will enrich our community in many ways, for many years to come.”
The executors of Sidney’s estate, Rabbi Shimon Schreiber of Edison and Harriet Harkavy, Esq., respectively a dear friend and longtime companion of Sidney, felt that commissioning a new Torah was in keeping with his ideals.
Although Sidney had no direct connection to Congregation Ohav Emeth, Rabbi Schreiber blew shofar there for 26 years. Harkavy davens at Or Olam in Manhattan and said she “hopes Sidney was here in spirit.”
Sidney Friedman grew up on Ocean Parkway in Brooklyn and lived in Oceanside, Long Island.
Ami Petter-Lipstein is a resident of Highland Park.