September 8, 2024
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September 8, 2024
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Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Heichal HaTorah Welcomes Grandfathers For Morning of Learning

This past Thanksgiving morning, Heichal talmidim had the incredible privilege to welcome students’ grandfathers for a morning of learning and shiurim alongside their own personal rebbeim. The morning began with davening, followed by a beautiful and tasty buffet breakfast, and divrei Torah on the parsha shared by Heichal Rosh Yeshiva Rav Aryeh Stechler. Rav Stechler addressed both the talmidim and their grandfathers, and expressed what a privilege it is to partner together in educating their crown jewels—their grandchildren—and being able to pass the mesorah on from one generation to the next. He also highlighted the importance of looking to one’s grandparents as role models of how to live a true Torah lifestyle. Following breakfast, grandsons and grandfathers learned b’chavrusa to prepare for the morning shiur and then together attended lively shiurim with their grandsons’ regular maggidei shiur. It was inspiring to see generations learning and bonding together, with the sounds of Torah permeating the classrooms, bringing a smile to the faces of all those in attendance.

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