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September 23, 2024
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Highland Park Vigil for The People of Israel Draws Hundreds

View of the crowd at the Borough of Highland Park’s Community Vigil in Support of the people of Israel.

With little advance notice and limited publicity, the Borough of Highland Park organized a community vigil in support of the people of Israel that filled the parking lot of the Community Center. Organized by Mayor Elsie Foster, the vigil featured a moment of silence for victims, the recitation of Tehillim and prayers for Israel by Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman, Congregation Ohav Emeth; Rabbi Eliyahu Tal, Congregation Etz Ahaim; Rabbi Philip Bazeley, Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple, New Brunswick; Rabbi Eliot Malomet, Highland Park Conservative Temple/Congregation Anshe Emeth; and Rabbi Steven Miodownik, Congregation Ahavas Achim. The program included the singing of the Star Spangled Banner and Hatikvah, led by two students from the Rabbi Pesach Raymon Yeshiva of Edison.

Rabbi Steven Miodownik of Congregation Ahavas Achim in Highland Park recites the prayer for the State of Israel at Highland Park’s Community Vigil in Support of the people of Israel.

Harry Glazer is the Middlesex Community Editor of The Jewish Link. He can be reached at [email protected].

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