March 7, 2025

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How ‘Tu B’Av Together,’ the Global Day for Shidduchim, Began

It will be a great day… in fact, Tu B’Av was always a great day for shidduchim…for thousands of years.

Thousands of Jews from across the globe will unite in tefillah for the zechus of all singles in klal Yisrael who have not yet found their zivugim. This momentous occasion will take place on Monday, August 7, on the holy day of Tu B’Av at 10 a.m. EST. This special Tu B’Av Together initiative has been spearheaded by the well-known kiruv and rescue organization Yad L’Achim as a zechus so that the women they rescue will merit finding their bashert. A minyan of talmidei chachamim will be davening in Amuka specifically for the previously submitted names (names can be submitted for free), while simultaneously all of worldwide Jewry will unite in reciting a designated eight chapters of Tehillim.

How did this revolutionary Tu B’Av Together initiative come to be? What is the humble story behind this special effort benefiting all singles in klal Yisrael? Read on.

Yad L’Achim was founded over 60 years ago by Rav Sholom Dov Lifshitz, zt”l, together with the support of gedolei Yisrael, to help new immigrants arriving in Eretz Yisrael. One of the first kiruv organizations ever created, over the years Yad L’Achim helped with Russian and French immigrants, placing thousands of boys and girls into yeshivos throughout Eretz Yisrael.

After receiving many calls about Jewish women trapped in Arab villages, Yad L’Achim established an entire division dedicated to prevention, as well as the rescue, of trapped women and children. Oftentimes, these women are rescued with nothing more than the clothes they are wearing at the time. Furthermore, Yad L’Achim helps rehabilitate them and makes certain they are provided with all of the necessary financial, physical and mental provisions so they can lead healthy lives. With Hashem’s help, many women who were rescued have married bnei Torah and have established beautiful Jewish homes that will last for generations.

For many years, Yad L’Achim would arrange for talmidei chachamim to daven on behalf of these women so they would merit finding their bashert. Over time, Yad L’Achim began accepting names from Jews throughout the world who wanted the powerful tefillos of the talmidei chachamim for finding a shidduch or other personal requests. Names can always be submitted for tefillah through Yad L’Achim even without a donation—in a policy instituted by Rav Lifschitz, zt”l.

Tu B’Av has been synonymous with shidduchim from the times of Chazal and is mentioned as a joyous day. As it states in Maseches Taanis, “There have never been such good days for klal Yisrael as Tu B’Av and Yom Kippur.” Therefore, one of the most popular times of the year when people submit their names for tefillah is before Tu B’Av, the 15th day of Av.

From time to time, Yad L’Achim hosts special events featuring speeches by women who were rescued through the help of Yad L’Achim. Other times, the speakers would be people who did the rescuing. After all events, a common occurrence would take place. Attendees would approach the speaker or Yad L’Achim staff and ask for the names of the rescued women and children. They wanted to daven for them as well as for the overall success of Yad L’Achim. The natural desire of Jews to help other Jews shined through—davening for each other. Mi k’amcha Yisrael.

The Jewish people have been connected through tefillah in times of happiness and sorrow. Klal Yisrael have a natural desire to help each other, and one of the great ways is to daven for one another. As Tu B’Av is once again approaching, the initiative was formed to indeed ensure a day of klal Yisrael united though tefillah.

After consultation with rabbanim and gedolei Yisrael, the Tu B’Av Together initiative was established as a day when we can unite in tefillah for all singles in klal Yisrael who are in dire need of shidduchim. A special minyan of talmidei chachamim will be in Amuka all day of Tu B’Av to daven for all the names submitted to Yad L’Achim, and has been noted above there is no need for a donation in order to submit names. And at the very same time, let’s daven together on Tu B’Av Together. Let us all try to carve out some time from our hectic lives for our brothers and sisters who have not yet found their bashert.

On Monday morning, Tu B’Av (August 7), at 10 a.m. EST, Yidden from all stripes of life will recite the following kapitlach: ל”ב, ל”ח, ע, פ”ב, קכ”א, קכ”ד, קכ”ז, קכ”ח (Psalms 32,38,70,82,121,124, 127,128).

It would be wonderful if people would get together, share the message of Tu B’Av Together and daven for each other on this special day.

Yad L’Achim has established the website where people can:

Download the Tehillim for Tu B’Av Together

Submit names for tefillah in Amuka—no donation required to submit names

Learn more about this special day.

It would be a wonderful zechus for us all if we grabbed this revolutionary opportunity and widely shared the message of Tu B’Av Together so we can daven for each other on this auspicious day.

For more information, to download the Tehillim to be recited or to submit names, call Yad L’Achim at 1-866-923-5224 or visit

By Nosson Gold


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