The beauty and complexity of the Halachic process is demystified as Yael Weil’s Halacha classes delve into the Rambam’s system of oral law and trace the roots of the current COVID-19 related piskei Halacha of Rav Hershel Shachter, rosh yeshiva REITS. Beginning with a deep dive into the Rambam’s description of the interpretive tools available to poskim, students explored the methodology used by rabbanim to assess halachic questions and arrive at a psak. In each generation situations arise that are derivative cases and are not explicitly addressed in the Torah texts. Utilizing the methodologies included in Torah She’baal Peh (the Oral Law), Moshe transmits the interpretive formulas that all Torah scholars must use to decipher the proper halachic application for each new scenario. With Weil’s passion for Halacha, Ma’ayanot students are seeing this process unfold in real time with Rav Schachter’s piskei Halacha. Since the pandemic invaded our communities around Purim 2020, numerous halachic issues have been posed to the rosh yeshiva. How does one tovel dishes if the mikvah is closed? Can one listen to music during sefira for mental health reasons? Is hand washing allowed on Tisha B’Av? Are there any communal obligations that can be fulfilled virtually if “in person” isn’t safe? By analyzing these shailos and teshuvos, students gain an appreciation for how Halacha unfolds in line with the value of life, health and safety of the community. The wisdom and sensitivity of our rabbinic leaders is deepened as we learn to appreciate the timeless quality of halachic principles that with adept leadership can guide all we do, both in times of tranquility and uncertainty.