Dear Shayna B.,
I love your column so much. You inspire me to be the best version of myself possible. I have an issue: I feel really self-conscious about my nose. I’m afraid people won’t like me because of my big nose. Overall, I think I look nice, but I’m really embarrassed about my nose. Please tell me how to deal with this unfortunate facial flaw!
Friendless Frieda
Dear Friendless Frieda,
If you think people notice you for your nose,
Maybe they’re actually admiring your green toes.
If you look in a mirror and realize
That you are the person that you despise,
You’re your own worst enemy
And you’re wasting your energy
Because the people who love you for who you are
Know that you’re really a shining star.
So go with a smile on your face
And remember to tie your shoe lace!
Best of luck,
Shayna B.
Shayna is a sixth grader and knows what kids in elementary school and middle school are going through. She can be reached at [email protected]. She’s looking forward to hearing from you! Contact: [email protected]