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Search Results for: Reuven chaim klein – Page 2

Speak Out Against Hamas

I ask the mayors and other politicians to speak out against Hamas. I have my children, grandchildren, nephew and cousins living in Israel. Silence is

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The Lost Culture of Pre-Ashkenazic Eastern European Jews

… of Days as arriving on or near 1492. Based on all of this, Taube suggests that perhaps the third group of translations were associated with these proselytizing Jews.
All in all, Dr. Moshe Taube (professor emeritus of linguistics and Slavic studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem)—who is considered one of the world’s leading experts on pre-Ashkenazic Eastern Europe Jewry—has produced an interesting study on a topic that is not well known outside of the circle of scholars who study it.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim (Rudolph) Klein has authored and researched several books and articles and currently …

Chanukah: Days of Hoda’ah

… thank-you implicitly admits our limitations and (thus) dependence upon others.
This aspect of admission is especially relevant to our hoda’ah to Hashem. Our very existence hinges on Hashem’s will and assistance. We admit this absolute dependency every morning when we open our eyes and say, “Modeh ani lifanecha melech chai v’kayam shehechezarta bi nishmati, I give thanks to You living and everlasting King for You have restored my soul.” Without Hashem constantly renewing our existence, we would cease to exist. This awareness should influence how we live the entirety of each day of our lives …

Intellectually Stimulating Books of 2022

… book makes following the footnotes somewhat confusing, and in the publisher’s great haste to release the volume before Rosh Hashanah, there were multiple typographical/editorial oversights which should be fixed before the next edition. But these issues should not detract from a very interesting and easy-to-read compendium on all matters related to the shofar.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is an author and lecturer living in Beitar Illit, Israel. He has written many scholarly works, including two books—”Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness and Hebrew” (Mosaica Press) and “God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry” (Mosaica Press).

Not Your Typical Parsha Books

… in Jewish thought and Jewish education from Yeshiva University, and is currently pursuing a PhD in psychology at University of Chicago. Like his venerated father, Rabbi Dr. Edward Reichman, the younger Rabbi Reichman is also a recognized authority on Jewish medical ethics and has lectured on that topic internationally.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is an author and lecturer living in Beitar Illit, Israel. He has written many scholarly works, including two books: “Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew” (Mosaica Press) and “God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry” (Mosaica Press). He is available to collaborate on your research; just …

Miscellaneous Interesting Words

… material from Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein’s column of July 12, 2022 (“In the Middle”).
Finally, I would like to tell the story of how Hadassah Lieberman (wife of former Senator Joseph Lieberman) received her first name. This comes from her book, “Hadassah: An American Story” (2021).
She was born in Prague in 1948. Her father wanted to register her as “Esther” after her grandmother, who was killed by the Nazis. But the Czech authorities told him that the name sounded “too German.” So he chose “Hadassah,” another name for “Esther” in the Megillah. A few years later, the …

From Holocaust Survivor to TikTok Sensation

… grandmother’s older sister, Sari Blau (nee Kuttner), who currently lives in Brooklyn, was Lily’s classmate and is even mentioned in her book (on page 162). Her husband, the late Leslie Blau (1921–2021), wrote “Bonyhad: A Destroyed Community” (Shengold, 1994), so many of the characters that appear in Lily’s story (like the endearing town doctor Dr. Litzman and the Engelman girls themselves) were already familiar to me through his work.
For those who want to be inspired by a tale of resilience, bravery and commitment, “Lily’s Promise” is an excellent choice.
By Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein

Three Worthwhile Reads

Reviewing: “The Revelation at Sinai: What Does ‘Torah From Heaven’ Mean?” Edited by Yoram Hazony, Gil Student and Alex Sztuden. KTAV Publishing House. 2021. English. Hardcover. 357 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1602804531.
(Review by Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein)
Jewish Tradition tends to view the Sinaitic Revelation as a one-time event wherein God revealed His will as expressed in the Torah to the Jewish people. This book is a compilation of various scholarly essays that explore the hard questions about what exactly that means. For example, what was the nature of the content revealed at Sinai? Did it include all …

A New-Old Look at Bialik, Berdichevsky and the Rest

… also heavily informed by their experiences in the yeshiva and the ideologies imparted to them by their upbringing. With this book in hand, the reader can contextualize many of the debates that continue within the global Jewish community about the nature of textuality and the importance of yeshiva students.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is the editor-in-chief of The Rachack Review, an online forum for reviews of Jewish books. He is also the author of the highly popular work “Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew” (Mosaica Press), now entering its third printing. He can be reached via email to historyofhebrew …

A New-Old Look at Bialik, Berdichevsky and the Rest

… also heavily informed by their experiences in the Yeshiva and the ideologies imparted to them by their upbringing. With this book in hand, the reader can contextualize many of the debates that continue within the global Jewish community about the nature of textuality and the importance of Yeshiva Students.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is the editor-in-chief of The Rachack Review, an online forum for book reviews on Jewish Books. He is also the author of highly-popular work Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew (Mosaica Press), now entering its third printing. He can be reached via email to historyofhebrew …

Four Book Reviews for Your Springtime Reading

… the reader is often left wanting more, but having no exact place to start from.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is an author and lecturer living in Beitar Illit, Israel. He has written many scholarly works, including “Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew” (Mosaica Press). He is available to collaborate on your research; just send him an email to [email protected]

Words Related to Purim

… to the practice as wearing פרצופים. See, e.g., Rema to Orach Chayim 696:8. This word derives from the Greek word “prosopon.” “Pros” means “toward” and “ops” means “eye, face.” (Note the word “optometrist.”) So “prosopon” originally meant “that which is toward the eyes or face.” (I thank Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein and his Feb. 24, 2021, post for teaching me about this word.) פרצוף already appears in the Mishnah, at Yevamot 16:3.
נס: This noun appears 21 times in Tanach in various forms. In the view of the Daat Mikra (comm. on Ex. 17:15), in none …

Rabbi Ovadiah Dubin, z”l: The Quintessential Mechanech

… basic Jewish sefarim. He served on the committee that developed the Hebrew Regents and took special pleasure in including the names of his grandchildren in the questions.
Rabbi Dubin was an expert ba’al koreh and master of Hebrew language and dikduk, grammar. He taught many of his grandchildren to lein and bought a special Megillas Esther for any grandchild who actually leined for a kahal.
A special story was related about his unique style in leining. One of his grandsons, Dr. Reuven Minkowitz, was attending an orthopedic convention in Los Angeles. He was asked to lein on Shabbos and …

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