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Search Results for: Reuven chaim klein – Page 4

MVP Plans 12th Annual Yeshiva League Boys All Star Day

… grade:
Ethan Farber – HANC PL, Dylan Nouvahian – HANC PL, Aaron Korori – HANC PL, Sammy Greenberg – He’Atid, Nathan Neufeld – He’Atid, Ami Moses – He’Atid, Julius Selzer – YDE, Eli Allaham – YDE, Solomon Safdye – YDE, Sam Jemal – YOF, Michael Mosseri – YOF, Samuel Chira – YOF, Ezekiel Ufberg – WDS, Joey Kahn – WDS, Eitan Kleinhaus – WDS, Nate Meyer – HAFTR, Jojo Kaplan – HAFTR, Ruby Tilis – HANC, Elisha Tsaidi – YHT, Reuben Eilenberg – YHT, Gabriel Spodek – YHT, Edward Dweck – MDY, Mikey Althekafati – MDY, Jack Dweck – MDY, Jacob Chami – MDY, Jacob L. Cohen – NSHA, Charlie Sassoon – NSHA, Daniel Ginsberg – NSHA, Ariel Tillis – HANC, Leyad Teren – Hillel, Bruce Epstein …

Cholim List

(In formation. To add or remove names please email [email protected])
Aharon Shmuel ben Malta
Andre Avraham ben Barta
Ariella Malka bat Aviva
Aviva Rachel bat Rivka
Avraham Eliezer ben Toiba
Avraham Leivi ben Sarah
Avraham Shmuel ben Rachel
Avriya Miriam bat Malka Rayzel
Baruch Shalom ben Yehuda V’Shlomit
Bina bat Chana
Binyamin Yissachar ben Rachel Leah
Chaim Dov ben Kreindel
Chana Dina bat Chava
Daniel Shmuel ben Harav Chaim Natan Eliyahu
David Barak ben Lev Zviya
David ben Gitel
Devorah bat Sarah
Dovid ben Faiga
Efraim Mordechai ben Rivka
Efrat bat Pinchas V’Sonya
Elchanan Yonatan …

Philosophy and Theology in the Torah

Klein is the author of the book God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry and of the book Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew. He is a member of the RCA, and currently serves as an editor for the Veromemanu Foundation’s new edition of Machberes Menachem. He resides in Beitar Illit, Israel and can be reached via email at [email protected].

One Book, Three Parts: Greco Roman Rulers and the Jews

… apparent Torah scholar like himself. As the venerable Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz observes, “Rabbi Ari Lieberman has written a truly fascinating book on a largely unstudied topic” and in the words of Rabbi Berel Wein, “it belongs in the home of every Jew interested in our tradition and history.”

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is the author of the book “God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry” and of the book “Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew.” He is a member of the RCA and currently serves as an editor for the Veromemanu Foundation’s flagship project, the Yalkut Shorashim …

A Masterpiece of Kedusha

… kedusha. Rather, it provides the reader with a kaleidoscope of views on the matter, giving much fodder for further discussion and consideration. In the end, the exact definition of kedusha eludes us, but with this book in hand we are much more knowledgeable about the matter.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is the author of “God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry” (Mosaica Press, 2018). He studied for over a decade at such premier institutes as Yeshiva Gedolah of Los Angeles, Yeshivas Mir in Jerusalem, and Beth Medrash Govoha in Lakewood, NJ. He currently lives in Beitar Illit …

Harry Fischel: Inspiring Others in the US and Israel

… was originally published in 1928. The latest edition of this work was supplemented and edited by Rabbi Aaron I. Reichel (a great-grandson of Fischel) under the title “Harry Fischel: Pioneer of Jewish Philanthropy.” This edition includes additional chapters written by Fischel himself appended to the earlier work, plus supplementary information written by those affiliated with the various causes funded by the Harry and Jane Fischel Foundation. For a book that was first published almost a century ago to continue to generate interest is quite remarkable. And indeed, its subject was quite a remarkable person.
By Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein

Kriyat Yam Suf: Why Not ‘Bekiyat Yam Suf’?

… lekichat lulav,” many would have erroneously thought that the commandment required a purchase.

Acknowledgements: In writing this article, I relied significantly on two articles that can be found on the internet: 1) Michael Hoenig, Esq., “What Is the Real Source for the Term ‘Krias’ Yam Suf?” (2005), and 2) Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein, “Pesach: Cutting Open the Red Sea” (2019).
By Mitchell First

Mitchell First is a personal injury attorney and Jewish history scholar. He can be reached at [email protected]. He is very good at making distinctions and splitting hairs.
For more articles by Mitchell First, and information …

The Meanings of ‘Sanverim’ and ‘Nefesh’

… modern-day Koehler-Baumgartner lexicon? It means “illumination,” from the Hebrew N-R, “ner,” and it is used as a euphemism, with the samech as a prefix. (I do not recall other instances of samech used as a prefix. If there are, please tell me.)
(For much of the above material, I would like to acknowledge Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein, “What’s in a Word?” weekly email of Oct. 25, 2018.)
The Arabic word awira or awar is very possibly the source of a common English word. The Hebrew word for “blind” is from the same Semitic root as Arabic

A History of Judaism and Idolatry

Reviewing: “God Versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry,” by Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein. Mosaica Press. 2018. Hardcover. English. 398 pages. ISBN-13: 978-1946351463.
The subtitle of Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein’s remarkable study says a great deal about the immense task Rabbi Klein assumed in researching his fascinating book, “God versus Gods.” The subtitle, “Judaism in the Age of Idolatry,” sets an enormous challenge for anyone attempting to chronicle the role idolatry played in the religious culture and history of the Jewish people from biblical times until the destruction of the First Temple. With the Churban HaBayit …

A Way With Words

… identity of the characters in the Book of Esther (see his previous book for more about that).
From time to time, Mr. First also gives us short biographical details of the people he cites, filling the book with interesting historical tidbits.
Finally, and, perhaps most importantly, I must mention Mr. First’s good sense of humor (if you can call puns “humor”). In fact, as we see throughout his awesome work, Mr. First has his way with words. One might even call him “a way-word Jew.”
By Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein

Reuven Chaim Klein lives in Beitar Illit …

Hebrew in Day Schools—For What?

… His sacred names… and in which He created His universe, gave names to heaven and earth and all therein, giving His angels and His host names—Michael, Gabriel, etc.—all in that language, and in that language naming the saintly people in the Land, such as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
Reuven Chaim Klein’s book (in English) “Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew” (English, Hebrew and Aramaic Edition), available from Amazon is well-researched, written for the observant Jewish reader and provides a wealth of information on the central and vital importance of Hebrew to Judaism to any reader needing convincing …

For the Sake of Jerusalem, Dare Not Be Silent

… of the miracle of the Six-Day War and the Reunification of Jerusalem. The Concert will be held at Central Park’s Summer Stage (enter Park at 5th Ave. & 72nd St.).
The Carl Freyer z’l Tribute, a memorial to Dr. Manfred Lehmann z’l, and in recognition of Rose & Reuben Mattus z’l, was founded by Carl z’l and Sylvia Freyer in 1993, at the suggestion of Rabbi Shlomo Riskin, to protest the Oslo accords. The Concert’s long-time organizers are Dr. Joseph and Karen Frager and the chairpersons are Dr. Paul and Drora Brody, for the …

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