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Search Results for: Reuven chaim klein – Page 3

Speak Out Against Hamas

I ask the mayors and other politicians to speak out against Hamas. I have my children, grandchildren, nephew and cousins living in Israel. Silence is

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Gedolei Yisroel of Eretz Yisrael Led by Rav Chaim Kanievsky Grace Siyum on Machzor Sheini of Dirshu Daf HaYomi B’Halacha

… and the sons of the Gerer Rebbe, shlita, and the Sanzer Rebbe, shlita,who brought inspiring words of bracha from their respective fathers. Rav Gershon Edelstein videotaped a special message played at the event.
On motzoei Shabbos, many other leading luminaries of Klal Yisroel attended as well including HaGaon HaRav Reuven Elbaz, shlita, Rosh Yeshivat Ohr Hachaim and a member of the Shas Moetzet Chachmei HaTorah; HaGaon HaRav Dovid Cohen, shlita, Rosh Yeshivas Chevron; the Modzhitzer Rebbe, shlita; the Boyaner Rebbe, shlita; HaGaon HaRav Don Segal, shlita, venerated Mashgiach; HaGaon HaRav Yitzchok Ezrachi, shlita; HaGaon HaRav Moshe Shaul Klein, shlita …

The Root Z-H-R: Is There a Connection Between ‘Light’ and ‘Warn’?

… bread symbolizes that man has always had to struggle for his food. First he has to struggle to wrest his daily bread from nature, and then he has to struggle against his fellow men to keep it. See Rav S.R. Hirsch to Gen. 3:19.)
I would like to thank Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein, whose May 12, 2021, article “Brilliant Prohibitions” taught me about the interesting root זהר and inspired this column.

Mitchell First can be reached at [email protected]. He needs someone to enlighten him about the mysteries of the Zohar.

Words For ‘Seeing’ in Tanach

… not say but probably the Hebrew phrase on the sign was “hiluch namuch.” She was very impressed with the sign. She said to her husband: “How beautiful it is in Eretz Yisrael that there are road signs that remind those making the pilgrimage to the Holy City to enter it with humility!” (She thought the sign was instructing: “Walk humbly.”)
I would like to acknowledge the post of Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein of Nov. 2, 2017, “Seeing Is Believing,” which provided the idea for this column. Also, a useful source on biblical synonyms is S. Wertheimer: “Be’ur Shemot Nirdafim

The Root of the Word ‘Mofet’ (=Wonder, Sign)

… made.
9. Finally, a leading modern scholarly lexicon is The Hebrew & Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (edited by Koehler and Baumgartner). It is generally filled with hypothetical suggestions. But it is not willing to make any suggestion about the origin of our word, merely writing: “? etym.” [=Uncertain etymology].
I would like to acknowledge the post of Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein of Jan. 8 2019, “The Sign is Coming,” which provided many of the above sources.

Mitchell First can be reached at [email protected]. It is somewhat of a “wonder” that he is able to continually write this …

Mitchell First’s ‘Links to Our Legacy: Hebrew, History and Liturgy’

… met First and told him how much he enjoys the columns. He explained that, as a librarian, he helps many researchers and would be happy to include him.
Research has gotten easier over the years with the advent of the internet. Sometimes First gets inspiration from other websites including Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein’s blog in “The Times of Israel” and “Balashon—the Hebrew Language Detective.” When he first began writing, he shared the columns with friends to review for accuracy before publication. Although he has more confidence now, he sometimes shares his drafts with Rabbi Ezra Frazer and his …

Examining Egypt’s Pharaohs and The Exodus

… baffled scholars. Hool’s reconstruction reduces Egyptian history by almost 1,000 years and claims that kingdoms that were said to have reigned long after one another actually ruled at that same time! Whether or not what Rabbi Hool proposes is factually or historically correct, his charming book is chock full of information on the history of Egypt and is certainly an entertaining read.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is the editor of The Rachack Review, an online forum for reviews of Jewish books. We offer our take on books related to history, halacha, hashkafah, homiletics, and Hebrew, as well as

An Examination of Rabbi Dr. Joshua Berman’s Book, ‘Ani Maamin’

… fissure between traditional Judaism and academic Biblical scholarship. Does Berman’s work actually bridge the gap between the two fields that James L. Kugel (another Orthodox Jew who is a prominent Bible scholar) has written “are and must always remain completely irreconcilable”? That question we leave to the reader.

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein is a member of the RCA and currently works as a freelance writer/editor/translator for research in Torah-related projects. He authored the books “God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry” (Mosaica Press, 2018) and “Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew” (Mosaica Press 2014) and …

Cholim List

(In formation. To add or remove names please email [email protected])
Aharon Shmuel ben Malta
Andre Avraham ben Barta
Ariella Malka bat Aviva
Aviva Rachel bat Rivka
Avraham Eliezer ben Toiba
Avraham Leivi ben Sarah
Avraham Shmuel ben Rachel
Avriya Miriam bat Malka Rayzel
Baruch Shalom ben Yehuda V’Shlomit
Bina bat Chana
Binyamin Yissachar ben Rachel Leah
Chaim Dov ben Kreindel
Chana Dina bat Chava
Daniel Shmuel ben Harav Chaim Natan Eliyahu
David Barak ben Lev Zviya
David ben Gitel
Devorah bat Sarah
Dovid ben Faiga
Efraim Mordechai ben Rivka
Efrat bat Pinchas V’Sonya
Elchanan Yonatan …

Cholim List

(In formation. To add or remove names please email [email protected])
Aharon Shmuel ben Malta
Andre Avraham ben Barta
Ariella Malka bat Aviva
Aviva Rachel bat Rivka
Avraham Eliezer ben Toiba
Avraham Leivi ben Sarah
Avraham Shmuel ben Rachel
Avriya Miriam bat Malka Rayzel
Baruch Shalom ben Yehuda V’Shlomit
Bina bat Chana
Binyamin Yissachar ben Rachel Leah
Chaim Dov ben Kreindel
Chana Dina bat Chava
Daniel Shmuel ben Harav Chaim Natan Eliyahu
David Barak ben Lev Zviya
David ben Gitel
Devorah bat Sarah
Dovid ben Faiga
Efraim Mordechai ben Rivka
Efrat bat Pinchas V’Sonya
Elchanan Yonatan …

Cholim List

(In formation. To add or remove names please email [email protected])
Aharon Shmuel ben Malta
Andre Avraham ben Barta
Ariella Malka bat Aviva
Aviva Rachel bat Rivka
Avraham Eliezer ben Toiba
Avraham Leivi ben Sarah
Avraham Shmuel ben Rachel
Avriya Miriam bat Malka Rayzel
Baruch Shalom ben Yehuda V’Shlomit
Bina bat Chana
Binyamin Yissachar ben Rachel Leah
Chaim Dov ben Kreindel
Chana Dina bat Chava
Daniel Shmuel ben Harav Chaim Natan Eliyahu
David Barak ben Lev Zviya
David ben Gitel
Devorah bat Sarah
Dovid ben Faiga
Efraim Mordechai ben Rivka
Efrat bat Pinchas V’Sonya
Elchanan Yonatan …

Thoughts on Sefer Bereishit

… to base his sermons.
While one can always quibble about certain points in Rabbi Kahn’s essays, the overarching discussions are always illuminating and provide fodder for further dialogue. Indeed, as Rabbi Zev Leff says about Rabbi Kahn’s work, it is “interesting and exciting—gourmet food for thought.”

Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein wrote the books “God versus Gods: Judaism in the Age of Idolatry” (Mosaica Press, 2018) and “Lashon HaKodesh: History, Holiness, & Hebrew” (Mosaica Press 2014). He is a member of the RCA and currently works as a freelance writer/editor/translator for research in Torah-related projects. He …

Insights Into the Word ‘Cohein’

… 7, p. 65) writes that “cemarim” comes from the meaning “be excited,” and cites some evidence from Mari texts that a cumrum was an “ecstatic.” (The Mari texts are from centuries before Tanach, from the area of the modern Iraq-Syria border.)
I wish to acknowledge the post of Rabbi Reuven Chaim Klein of Dec. 2019, “Holy Priests vs. Unholy Priests,” at his site “What’s in a Word?” that provided me with some of the references.

Mitchell First is an attorney, a Jewish history scholar and a cohein. He enjoys continually preparing and exciting his readers. He can be …

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