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Pidyon Rashash: New Person, New Gezar Din and a Powerful Segula

(Courtesy of Kollel Chatzos) Reb Chaim Vital performed this renowned pidyon twice a year for himself. He writes in his sefer Pri Eitz Chaim, “Thousands of times this segula has been tried and proven.”

While the Arizal revealed this powerful pidyon, it was the holy Rashash who instructed us on how to perform it. The Rashash wrote that one should set aside 160 pure silver coins, recite special kabbalistic tefilos, and donate these coins to talmidei chachamim who are moser nefesh to learn Torah.

The 160 coins, equivalent to the numerical value of “eitz,” symbolize man, who is likened to a tree, an “eitz” hasadeh. Through this segula, the person receives a pidyon nefesh (redemption of his soul) where judgment is transferred from the person to the coins and the person receives a new tzelem Elokim.

The pidyon Rashash is cited and referred to in countless sefarim. Many illustrious gedolim and rebbes have quoted and performed the renowned Pidyon Rashash.

The sefer Shemen Sason writes that for whoever the Pidyon Rashash is performed will certainly live through the year! Who can deny themselves the promise of life?!

The Sefer Sha’arei Rachamim describes the Pidyon Rashash as a segulah received from Eliyahu HaNavi himself.

While the segula is tremendously potent every time, it is particularly powerful after midnight. When the Ropshitzer Rav was sick, the Ateres Tzvi even wrote to the Zera Kodesh that he will perform the pidyon for him after chatzos and “certainly, certainly, certainly, you will merit a yeshua!”

We are living in desperate times. Klal Yisrael is looking out for refuos, shidduchim, nachas, parnasah, etc. It is mekubal that often there are wonderful hashpaos and yeshuos waiting to come down, but we are not worthy of them. Once the Pidyon Rashash is performed, we are pure, with a new tzelem Elokim, clearing the path for the hashpaos tovos to descend.

Every year, on 10 Shevat, on the yahrtzeit of the Rashash, the Kollel Chatzos’s talmidei chachamim perform this segula and distribute the coins amongst the kollel learners. These talmidei chachamim, who sacrifice their nights for Torah, are most worthy to perform the pidyon for they truly personify Torah with mesirus nefesh. They recite the lengthy tefilos individually for each supplicant in the most mehudar way, and they perform the pidyon at the most opportune time—after chatzos.

And so, every year, after performing the pidyon for Yidden who are longing for yeshuos in the most stellar way possible, the kollel merits to hear story upon story about individuals whose lives have been transformed by the pidyon.

In the time of the emperor Napoleon, the holy Chasam Sofer did the Pidyon Rashash for all the residents of Pressburg, and although all the homes were destroyed in the war, not one Yid perished. It was a truly wonderful miracle.

The holy Maggid of Mezritch did the Pidyon Rashash for an esteemed woman who was critically ill and she miraculously recovered.

When the holy mekubal Rav Mordechai Sharabi was asked to pray on behalf of Jews who were very ill, he would do the Pidyon Rashash for them and would say “it is a proven segula.”

Now try it out for yourself!

To take advantage of this opportunity and be included in the Pidyon Harashash for the success of you and your family that will take place on Thursday night, January 26, at the tziyon of the holy Tana Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, please call 718-887-9114 or email [email protected]. Call anytime—available 24 hours. Please visit


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