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October 5, 2024
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Rapids Varsity Basketball Plays in Miami Tournament

(Ma’ayanot sports) The competition was fierce with schools from across the country including Shalhevet, Yula, Northshore, Ramaz, SKA, HAFTR, Fuchs Mizhrahi (Cleveland), Ida Crown (Chicago), CTA (Columbus), Goldie Margolin (Memphis), and hosted by Hebrew Academy.

The Rapids had their first game against the powerhouse Ida Crown. Up against a state champion competitor and over 50 cheering fans traveling from Chicago to support their team, the Rapids pulled the W as an underdog in this match. Senior Captains Ayelet Eizikovitz (11) at the block and off fast breaks and Ayelet Ostrin (14) points from the 3-point and foul line. Senior captain point guard Shifra Prager (13) and senior Sara Mirwis (7) helped fiercely defend Ida Crown’s point guard Alana Schwartz who was added to the all-tournament team. Junior Baila Gopin (2) was a force on defense. Sophomore forward Yael Motechin put up a free throw and pulled down rebounds in the paint. Sophomore point guard Liana Kahan, and guards Molly Pearlman and Michal Jutkowitz, also brought their A game while defending shots and hustling back to stop fast breaks. Final score 48/44.

The next day they matched up against the talented Hebrew Academy in front of their school fans. The Rapids were neck-and-neck the whole time in a nail biter and clinched the W again in an amazing upset. Prager (4) had threaded the needle of their defense with several assists to her eager teammates. Ostrin (20) had an amazing shooting game and stayed poised and confident at the free throw line as screaming fans cheered on the Lady Warriors. Eizikovitz (6) fought for tons of defensive rebounds, even crashing to the floor at times to hold onto any possession. Mirwis (5) and Gopin (4) helped keep the Rapids in the lead as the suspenseful game ended in a big win. Final score 41/37.

The next game the team would need to face Ida Crown again. With stellar play they faced their familiar talented opponent, but sadly the Rapids were not able to repeat their win—Ostrin (13), Prager (12), Mirwis (4), Gopin (1) and Pearlman (2). Although they didn’t win, they felt they had played well and continued the positivity.

Shabbos was a full experience with beautiful speakers and divrei Torah from individual students. Prager and Gopin led a Lev Hashavua program with their team on Shabbos and the camp-like ruach was contagious with everyone singing zemirot. Motzei Shabbos, the Rapids faced Memphis in a consolation game. There was big shooting game from Gopin with a few 3-pointers in the first half and excellent foul shooting from Motechin and Eizikovitz. It was the seniors’ last game of their HS career, so their win was bittersweet. The rapids record during the season was 8-4 and 3-1 at the tournament—a strong respectable record.

Congrats to Shalhevet on their championship win. Congrats to all-tournament team winner Prager. Coaches Evan and CC were extremely proud of the team’s attitude throughout the tournament and their level of play. These are the experiences that these ladies will never forget.

Thank you to the Hebrew Academy hosts and community for their generous hospitality, the Hebrew Academy faculty for their dynamic roles on Shabbos and to Adam and Stephen for a professionally run, competitive and fun tournament.

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