On Sunday, March 16, the administration of Reenas Bais Yaakov in Highland Park invited community members to view a multimedia display entitled “Roots — Digging Deeper, Discovering Our Legacy,” created by the students of the high school. The exhibition highlighted the roots of klal Yisrael from the Avot to the present day, with special attention to the Olam HaYeshivos, the Chasidic dynasties and the Bais Yaakov movement. The exhibition was on display at the Yeshiva Sha’arei Tzion Girls School building.

Estie Celnick, a member of the office staff of Reenas Bais Yaakov, served as exhibition coordinator and limudei kodesh teacher Chedva Sarna served as content editor. Celnick shared with The Jewish Link that all 114 students in the high school created the exhibition, working in 11 teams over three weeks to prepare the creative and colorful displays. The students used a variety of materials to create different panels, including dice, buttons, soda can tabs, bobbins and Rubik’s cubes. Celnick estimated that over 250 community members visited the exhibit on Sunday.

After the public exhibition concluded, the display was moved to the basement of the Reenas Bais Yaakov Girls High School building, where viewings by school groups can be scheduled through Rosh Chodesh Nisan. To schedule a visit, call the Reenas Bais Yaakov school office at (732) 985-5646 and speak with Shani Goldstein.

Harry Glazer is the Middlesex County Editor of The Jewish Link. He welcomes reader feedback and can be reached at [email protected].