March 10, 2025

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The Biale Rebbe of Bnei Brak Will Visit Passaic and West Orange

(Sponsored by the Biale Rebbe’s gabbaim) Barely a year has passed since the Biale Rebbe’s last visit in the Passaic and West Orange area—but it seems like so much more. Since then, dozens of miracle stories resulted from the Rebbe’s blessings last year, and the sense of wonder and awe that remains with all those who met him in the Passaic and West Orange area buzzes within the community. Now, anticipation pulses among the Passaic and West Orange residents, who look forward to seeing the beloved Rebbe again, hearing his golden advice and, above all, glimpsing his loving smile.

What Makes Biale Bnei Brak Unique?

What is it about the Biale Bnei Brak Rebbe that attracts thousands to the Rebbe? What propels hundreds of people to stand on line for hours for a meeting with the Rebbe?

It’s long past midnight and the waiting room is still full of people waiting to see the Biale Rebbe. A look at the crowd is very interesting: dozens of people went through the door today, people who flew in specially from all over the states. These were people who came from all over the U.S.—doctors, lawyers, realtors, financiers, bank officials, Young Israel rabbis—people who would not be expected to come. They are the Biale Rebbe’s chasidim!

The Father of the Orphans

The Rebbe doesn’t rest for a moment. He has 15 biological children, kein eyin hora; the Rebbe spearheads the institutions Mishnas Shimon in Beitar Illit, Biale shuls and kollels in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, Beitar Illit, Modi’in Illit, Ashdod and Beit Shemesh; and closest to the Rebbe’s heart, the Fund for Orphans and Widows, which functions under the Rebbe’s personal supervision. This special fund provides clothing, shoes, homey accommodations in the yeshiva dormitory and even pocket money for the orphans studying in the Biale yeshivos. But most of all, the Rebbe takes these precious souls under his wing, opening his home for them and caring for their needs as only a father would. The Rebbe follows up on their learning and pairs them with private mentors. The Rebbe personally sees to it that they have new clothing before each holiday. Once, when the Rebbe returned from an overseas trip before Pesach, he went to visit the orphans straight from the airport, even before he saw his family, and gave each one money to buy clothing and gifts for Yom Tov, and only then did he go home.

The Rebbe is renowned for his acts of charity. Widows and orphans in need of assistance know to turn to his address for help. Every Erev Yom Tov, trucks laden with goods are dispatched to provide the needy with everything they might need, including clothing, shoes, meat, fish, goodies and, of course, a hefty check, which brings a smile to their wretched faces.

Only two months ago, the Rebbe celebrated the wedding of two orphans, to whom the Rebbe was a surrogate father to both ever since they were orphaned at a young age.

Seven Gabbaim Around the Clock

When the day ends in New York, the phones start humming from Israel, with Jews from Israel on the line who need the Rebbe’s blessing and advice. When the Rebbe is in Israel, phone calls come from Los Angeles, New York, Miami and New Jersey, because all Jews are his children. Hundreds of emails arrive at the Rebbe’s secretariat, and the Rebbe devotes time every day to answer the questions that arrive from all corners of the world. He prays for each of them, either in his beis midrash or at holy sites, or at his ancestors’ graves; the Rebbe carries the burden of the whole nation, feeling their sorrow and rejoicing with their simchos. There are seven gabbaim who work around the clock to answer the thousands of questions of people who call to get a blessing from the Rebbe. Their greatest satisfaction is to tell the Rebbe the good news of another miracle, a child who was born or a couple that got engaged due to his holy blessing.

Now, the residents of Passaic and West Orange can merit seeing the Rebbe again during his yearly visit. From Thursday, August 31, the Rebbe will be staying at the home of the honorable Mr. and Mrs. Avi and Linda Laub, may God protect them. The address is 25 Swayze St., West Orange NJ 07052.

From Shabbos, the Rebbe will stay at the famous pursuers of chesed, who always opens their house for the needy, the beloved gabbai of the shul Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Lori Rozehzadeh, 19 Roosevelt Ave, West Orange.

From Tuesday September 5, the Rebbe will be staying at the home of the honorable Mr. and Mrs. Barry and Meira Lebovits, may God protect them. The address is 14 Dakota St., Passaic NJ 07055.

Oneg Shabbat and Tisch this Friday Night in West Orange

A large crowd is expected to come to draw spiritual pleasure and delight, to hear the singing at the oneg Shabbos tisch that the Rebbe will conduct this Friday night, Parshas Ki Seitzei, September 1, 2017, at the home of his hosts Dr. Joseph and Mrs. Lori Rozehzadeh, 19 Roosevelt Ave, West Orange, at 9:30.

A special part of the tisch is when the Rebbe recites the Kiddush in a special nusach, keeping the entire crowd electrified by his holy avodah.

It is a known fact to his Chasidim that the time of Kiddush is a special time, with potential to bring about great salvation. Singing together at the tisch moves the masses each time as if they are hearing it for the first time. The assembled feel a “real taste of paradise” each time they experience a Shabbos gathering.

If you haven’t yet met the Rebbe and you are interested in making a personal appointment for advice, blessing or guidance, you can do this now by phoning the Rebbe’s personal English-speaking secretary, Reb Moshe Friedman, at 917-272-4045 or send an email to bialebneibrak@gmail com.

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