March 10, 2025

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Third Annual Lev Echad/Lev Modiin Chizuk Event in Passaic

On Sunday evening, April 29, in Passaic, Harav Moshe Tuvia Lieff, mara d’asra of Agudath Israel Bais Binyomin in Flatbush, will speak on the topic “Make Your Sefirah Count.” The event, held on behalf of Lev Echad/Lev Modiin, will take place at Agudas Yisroel Bircas Yaakov, 262 Terhune Avenue, starting at 8:30 p.m. A full crowd is expected for this third annual Lev Echad/Lev Modiin Chizuk Event.

Lev Echad/Lev Modiin is headed by Rabbi Elazar Grunberger, a pioneer who built the Torah community in St. Louis for 27 years and is known for incredible mesirus nefesh and determination. Rav Moshe Hillel Hirsch, rosh hayeshiva of Slabodka in Bnei Brak, calls Rabbi Grunberger “one of today’s foremost kiruv activists, a man of vision with boundless energy.”

The upcoming Passaic event commemorates the publication of LifeWisdom, a series of Torah study booklets geared for one-on-one learning. LifeWisdom emerged from Rabbi Grunberger’s determination to produce a frontline kiruv product that will make the fastest and biggest impact.

The series covers topics of universal interest such as love, happiness and success, presenting the classical Jewish sources (e.g., Midrash, Rambam, Maharal) and thoughtful discussion questions.

With LifeWisdom, a less-observant Jew is paired with a more-observant “mentor,” in the style of Partners in Torah. Yet, rather than a teacher-student model, LifeWisdom is designed as an interactive chavrusa, with material that is relevant and engaging for frum and non-frum Jews alike. “In kiruv, the best way to connect to klal Yisrael’s mission and make a long-lasting impact is through Torah study,” Rabbi Grunberger says. “LifeWisdom presents Torah as ‘powerful, ancient wisdom,’ which appeals to the kiruv audience seeking tools for successful living. With the right implementation, this can be a real game-changer for klal Yisrael.”

LifeWisdom is an excellent follow-up to the Shabbos Project, High Holiday services, trips to Israel or powerful community events, helping existing kiruv organizations and programs ramp up their successes and numbers. Initial testing and response has been very enthusiastic. A number of community kollels and Partners in Torah programs are preparing to launch LifeWisdom in their local communities. To ensure that implementation of the program is “turn-key,” Lev Echad provides local organizations with a customized, professional marketing kit.

After succeeding in St. Louis, Rabbi Grunberger made aliyah in 2011 and took on the challenge of infusing Torah into the burgeoning city of Modiin, located midway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Lev Modiin, his community outreach program that includes a shul, community and study center, has struck a responsive chord and today influences hundreds of families, with an evening beis midrash of 70 participants and growing. Rabbi Grunberger’s long-term plan is to implement the LifeWisdom program in every city and community within Israel. Given this single-minded dedication to advancing breakthroughs for klal Yisrael, Rav Aharon Feldman said. “I urge everyone to assist Rabbi Grunberger’s efforts.”

The highly anticipated April 29 talk by Harav Moshe Tuvia Lieff in Passaic promises to deliver great chizuk while celebrating the ongoing success of LifeWisdom, Lev Echad and Lev Modiin.

By Shraga Simmons

For more information, see, or contact Rabbi Grunberger directly at [email protected], 314-229-5600, 314-594-0606 or in Israel 050-405-5521.

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