TCA Middle School Students Make LED Menorahs as STEAM Project
Tenafly Chabad Academy middle school students used their artistic talents to design and draw a 2-D menorah and then brought the menorahs to “light.” They
Tenafly Chabad Academy middle school students used their artistic talents to design and draw a 2-D menorah and then brought the menorahs to “light.” They
Heichal HaTorah hosted a swearing-in ceremony for a new Jewish military chaplain, Teaneck resident, Rabbi Ezra Frazer, now a first lieutenant in the Air Force
At Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory DNA Learning Center, Naaleh chemistry students had the opportunity to be the first class ever to visit the new facilities.
Hillel says, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not
The Ramaz School’s tradition of activism and communal responsibility continues after 80+ years. At its core, Ramaz believes that כל ישראל ערבים זה בה זה
On Monday, the last day of Chanukah, Ma’ayanot celebrated the first ever Siyum HaMasechtot. Each student was assigned one daf Gemara to learn and together
The RYNJ students of sixth grade were privileged to participate in a Friendship Circle volunteer training session. Dr. Naphtali (RYNJ graduate) and Leah Rosenberg presented
Early action acceptance letters are rolling in for Bruriah High School seniors, and the moments of pride are increasing. Bruriah students have received early action
RKYHS students spent time decorating cookies to be delivered before Christmas to area policemen and firefighters. The festive decorating mood was enhanced with three rebbeim
Last week featured was the 2019 CIJE National Robotics Challenge. A dozen yeshiva high schools came together at HAFTR where students were challenged to design
Phil and Miriam Schiffman visit their grandson Sammy Kaufman at Grandparents Day at Yeshivat He’Atid last Wednesday.
Early action acceptance letters are rolling in for Bruriah High School seniors, and the moments of pride are increasing. Bruriah students have received early action