Wedding Day Comes to Gan Yavneh
As part of learning about Parshat Chayei Sarah, the 3-year-old and pre-k classes at Gan Yavneh celebrated Yitzchak and Rivka’s wedding. They danced in celebration
As part of learning about Parshat Chayei Sarah, the 3-year-old and pre-k classes at Gan Yavneh celebrated Yitzchak and Rivka’s wedding. They danced in celebration
On Thursday night, MTA celebrated the Mishna Yomi siyum on Seder Zeraim. Many talmidim and rebbeim had completed the limud and the entire yeshiva gathered
It was a full house at the Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School Open House. One could feel the energy throughout the building as prospective students
Last week, TABC’s 9 grade biology students learned about the proper use and handling of a microscope through the examination of its parts and functions.
This past week, Heichal HaTorah started the chess season on a high, defeating their opponent in their first chess match of the season with a
This past week, Heichal HaTorah started the chess season on a high, defeating their opponent in their first chess match of the season with a
Congratulations to our winners! Congratulations to our winners! Henny, Tali and Maya, email [email protected] to claim your Chickies gift card! Thank you to everyone who entered!
The excitement never ends at WTA. Last week, students of all ages continued to learn Torah, emulating pre-k and building their own ohel Avraham in
He’Atid kindergarten students really enjoyed tie-dying Native American style shirts with natural ingredients. They used tea, turmeric, grape juice, beets and spinach. Some of the
During the week of Parshat Vayera, SAR students visited Ohel Avraham v’Sarah, a tent modeled after that of Avraham and Sarah. In the chesed tent,
On Wednesday morning, November 9, students in TABC Elyon program welcomed Rabbi Moshe Benovitz, rebbe at Yeshivat Reishit Yerushalayim and director of NCSY Kollel. The
Naaleh held a clothing drive for Yad Leah in conjunction with Yad Leah’s Dash4Dignity. All of the clothing collected will be sent to Israel where