David Roher, Rosh Hashanah And the Power of Setting Impossible Goals
It’s one thing to run a 5K when you start out a couch potato; it creates a true achievement from a static starting point, and
It’s one thing to run a 5K when you start out a couch potato; it creates a true achievement from a static starting point, and
It’s Elul now, this is our Back to School edition and Rosh Hashana is not far away. I was looking for something related to teshuva
My family, good friends and some of our closest readers all know that I like visiting different communities in the summer months. When our children
Over the past nine years or so that I’ve been involved with The Jewish Link’s intern program, our team has worked hard to provide an
Mayor Michael Pagan casts the deciding vote to replace his former mentor Joey Bodner on the planning board. Political power plays and divisions are not
I haven’t written in a few weeks but I felt I had to share something that I thought was very special and I hope you
Please join us for a June 6 discussion with Rabbi Jeremy Wieder. One of the things I love most about being a publisher of The
In our communities, where all-night learning is a homegrown feature of many shul Shavuot programs, we hope that all the words of Torah that are
This past week, I flew to Israel to participate—along with nearly 1,000 delegates from 50+ countries and more than 200 different cities—in the first ever
Note: With the way Pesach falls this year, many publications originally weren’t sure what to do for their pre-Pesach editions. Some decided to print their
It’s hard to imagine a din louder than the one that occurs in Israel as a chag approaches, but this time the noise is not