March 9, 2025

Linking Northern and Central NJ, Bronx, Manhattan, Westchester and CT

Nina Glick

Articles by Nina Glick

A Contractor Who Is a Mensch

Generally when one writes a business profile about a new advertiser in The Link, they have little prior knowledge of who runs the business and

Spotlight on Project Ezrah

In continuation of our enthusiastic endorsement of the many chesed organizations in our communities, we are happy to introduce our readers to the very important

Spotlight on Tomchei Shabbos

What is the name of the organization? Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County. When did the organization get started? Tomchei Shabbos of Bergen County was founded

Carless in Bergenfield

Yes, I am home. No, I have not gone away. Suddenly it dawned on me that not having a car in my driveway sends an

Hashtag #Nina

I have been quite satisfied throughout my life with the “titles” I have been addressed as. It was a pleasure to be My Dvorah, Mrs,

Milestones During Pesach

As I slowly walked towards my home from my lunch/visit with my hosts Rabbi Tanchum and Yaffa Cohen I could not stop thinking about what

The New World of Special Needs

Most people who read The Link are familiar with the term “to kvell.” For those who are unfamiliar with it, who actually could have been